Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1549: Want to have a cute baby with her

Chapter 1549: Want To Have A Cute Baby With Her

Based on the information obtained from Ruan Mengmeng, Li Junyu deeply felt the sympathy of his young wife.

It turned out that the girl named 'Little Cute' had never said a word since she was brought back.

She just held her mouth and looked at others timidly, asking her to say nothing, and unwilling to let others hold her.

The only one willing to touch is Ruan Mengmeng.

"Little cute" took over his wife, and Mr. Li was naturally unwilling.

He raised his dark cold eyes and looked at the little girl nestled on another sofa.

"You, take your hands down." The man's cold, low tone, without a trace of temperature, let alone scare the child, even Ruan Mengmeng felt cold at the heart.

She quickly stopped Li Junyu: "What are you doing to scare her, she still ..."

I didn't finish talking, but I saw the timid and beautiful girl, and she really took her hand off the little mouth.

You know, since Ruan Mengmeng held her back, the child's hand never left her mouth.

Ruan Mengmeng was stunned.

"What's your name and why are you alone in the mall, where did your parents go?" The tyrant's eyes were cold, his voice was low, and he held his wife calmly.

This posture alone scared the little girl into tears.

But without the little bun held by a pretty aunt, he didn't dare to move. His eyes popped from the peach eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses, but he unexpectedly said: "Tang ... Tang Xinluo ... My name Tang Xinluo ... Daddy, it's gone ... Mommy, travel ... Lost ... Oh ... Luoluo wants mommy, mommy ... "

The little guy was crying so sad, wow ... she missed mummy.

She has never seen such a terrible uncle!

However, when the little girl opened her mouth and no longer covered it with her little hand, the real condition in her little mouth was revealed.

There was a missing one in the middle of the cute little white teeth.

Still true incisors.

At first glance, at this scene, Ruan Mengmeng laughed uncontrollably.

The little girl who was still crying heard the beautiful aunt's laughter and stopped crying suddenly.

She blinked, and found that Ruan Mengmeng's gaze was on her little mouth, and she immediately reacted.

The little boy quickly covered his mouth, flushed the bun face, and did not dare to speak just like when he was just taken back.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng still has no idea.

It turned out that the child was named Tang Xinluo, and it sounded like he was lost with his mother when he came to travel in country M.

And the reason why she hasn't talked and was timid is because ... heh, missing a front tooth, the little guy is shy.

"Luo Luobei, don't be afraid. Auntie will send someone to find Mummy for you. Rest assured ... Auntie will find Mummy for you soon."

"Hmm ..." the little guy nodded. "Aunty, like Mummy, have bright eyes and dimples."

Ruan Mengmeng is helpless.

It turns out that this is why the little guy always mistakes her for 'Mummy'.

Little children probably can't tell the difference, they just remember these characteristics.

Although the babies are stupid, Ruan Mengmeng is not troublesome, and they like them very much.

Just like this kid named Luo Luo in front of her, so cute and beautiful, her eyes and nose cried red, like a little rabbit.

"If you like a baby so much, you will have one yourself." Li Junyu hugged the wife of the little girl from behind and said to her sweet wife in her arms.

I heard that a husband and wife must sincerely hope to have a treasure, and then God will give them angels.

Before that, Li Junyu never really wanted to have children.

He treats children as a means of trapping little **** cats and chess pieces, but he does not really like them.

At this moment, when he saw Ruan Mengmeng's love and patience when he treated the little girl, it was the first time that he had the idea of ​​conceiving offspring with her.

Perhaps, their child will be as cute as his cute.

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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