Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1560: Men are big pigs feet

Chapter 1560 Men Are Big Pig Hoofs

"what did you say!?"

Miao Qiugui's slightly old eyes suddenly opened wide.

She raised her eyes and stared at Li Junyu, with an expression of disbelief: "what did you say just now, have the ability to say it again!"

Although Miao Qiugui was old, her body was always tough. At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng even felt that if there was a kitchen knife here, her grandmother would carry the kitchen knife to Li Junyu desperately.

Grandma was angry.

At this time, a tyrant not only did not worry, and did not follow the grandmother's words.

Instead, his face was heavy, showing a somewhat serious expression: "I said everything is to listen to your grandmother. Mengmeng and I can go through the divorce formalities immediately. As for the children in Mengmeng's belly, they will all be left to listen to your arrangements . "

"You ... you, you, you ..." Miao Qiugui took a breath, but couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

Ruan Mengmeng quickly backed up for Miao Qiugui: "Grandma, don't worry, what do you say slowly?"

"Can I be in a hurry, this boy is just like his dad, and wants to turn his face and not confess his account! You see, he actually wants to divorce you!" The old lady was shaking with anger.

What Li Yaoyang did to Chen Qingzhi and what Li family did to her daughter.

Chen Qingzhi has been married to Li's family for many years. He never returned to Chen's house to take a look. In the end, he ended up in an inexplicable net, and even his grandchildren couldn't see each other.

It was like a meat stab stuck there.

Miao Qiugui, as Chen Qingzhi's mother, Li Junxi's grandmother, watching the tragedy of her daughter and grandson, how could she put her granddaughter in again?

What's more, Li Junyu is Li's family and Li Yaoyang's son.

His father was ruthless and his family was cruel. Who knew if Li Junyu would be the same as his father and his family.

After all, it is not without its lessons learned.

Before the original Meng Meng college entrance examination, wasn't it that this kid let go of Meng Meng's hand!

"Grandma, it's you who mentioned the divorce." Ruan Mengmeng was a little bit crying and laughing, how could her grandma be so cute.

The expression on Miao Qiugui's face was stagnant, and he reacted in the next second. He gathered Ruan Mengmen and whispered, "Meng Meng, how can you help that kid? Men are big pigshoes. Grandma is testing you for him. Then. "

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Big pig's hoof ... whether grandma should be so trendy or not

"Well, don't talk, let grandma tell him." Miao Qiugui patted Ruan Mengmeng and looked up at Li Junyu.

Seeing Li Junyu standing in front of her, he was tall and erect, and the boy was very handsome, but he was actually quite satisfied.

Unfortunately, men who look good are also the most deceiving.

She deceived her family Mengmeng, and now she didn't even have any determination. She said that she nodded and agreed to divorce.

Thinking of this, the old lady was dissatisfied, and stared at Li Junyu, asking, "Do you know who made Meng Meng's belly bigger? Do you know whose child she is pregnant with?"

"I know, it's me." Mr. Li said coldly and unhurriedly.

"You ..." Miao Qiugui took a deep breath before suppressing the anger: "Since you know, why don't you confess your account and why should you divorce her? Why should you kill the child? Young man, you're so kind ... you What a difference to do with your junk father! "

Ruan Mengmeng helped the amount.

Sure enough, her grandmother had been taken in by Li Junyu, and it was still the case that she couldn't pull out if she wanted to help.

"Of course there is a difference." Li Junyu, who had been waiting for her grandmother to question him, responded very calmly: "My father miscellaneous accounts, but I do not misunderstand. All the assets in my name have been transferred to Mengmeng, leaving no points. If there is One day I broke up with Mengmeng, and the person who was cleaned out of the house would only be me. "

"As for divorce and no children, these are your grandma's decisions. I love Mengmeng, she loves you, so I must respect you. I will listen to your decisions, and that's all."

[Continue, and later]

(End of this chapter)

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