Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1562: How can you give Mengmeng happiness?

Chapter 1562: How Do You Give Mengmeng Happiness

Responsible for him ...?

Ruan Mengmeng's head is hurting.

Why grandpa is like this, grandmother is also like this, everyone is holding her accountable to Li Junyu.

"Mengmeng, remember grandma's words. Alright, let grandma look ... How long have you been pregnant, what did the doctor say?"

If Ruan Mengmeng wanted to distinguish, she was blocked by the old lady Miao.

With Mrs. Miao, President Zhan Kai also remembered this matter and asked quickly.

Ruan Mengmeng's pregnancy is a big issue. I can't rest assured that I will go abroad to check it out. The president is also going to let his own medical team check the granddaughter.

"Ma Ma Huai, baby!" Xiao Mian Mian, who was sitting beside the cake, heard the words of the adults, and came over at this time.

A few people surrounded Ruan Mengmeng and asked for warmth, and asked the east and the west, but no one found that-Chen Qingzhi, who was still leaning on the sofa, had got up and left the reception room.

Li Junyu also left with Chen Qingzhi a moment later.


On a small balcony outside the corridor of the Presidential Palace, Chen Qingzhi half-supported on the balcony railing, looking at the view not far away with an unknown look.

The sun dripped from the outside, falling on her perfect profile that was shocked to heaven, plating her whole body with gold.

When Li Junyu received Chen Qingzhi's eyes gesture in the reception room and followed her to the balcony, she saw such a scene at first glance.

Chen Qingzhi actually looks a lot like Yue Xuexin in his memory.

It's not like the facial features, after all, Yue Xuexin is a mixed-race appearance, but Chen Qingzhi is a 100% S-national.

But they all have an indescribable quality.

Dazzling beauty is not as beautiful as anything on earth, but when you look closely, it reveals an unspeakable sense of tragedy.

Once, Li Junyu did not understand what the expression on his mother's face meant.

But now, when he helps Mengmeng investigate Zhan Yang's past and knows more and more, the tragedy he can see on Chen Qing's face seems to overlap the look on his mother's face.

Hate Chen Qingzhi, naturally still hate.

In particular, as soon as she closed her eyes, a picture of her pushing Shi Yuexin downstairs appeared in her head.

But that hate was gradually diluted and became more sane.

Maybe it's because of Mengmeng, maybe because of learning more and more about this woman's experience, or because of Li's owe to her, his father's rejection ... and the important witness from abroad.

"Li Shao ..." At this moment, it seemed that Chen Qing suddenly looked out into the distance and suddenly spoke.

She stared, looking at Li Junyu.

Chen Qingzhi used to call him "Jun Yu". When talking, he had that gentle expression, safe and harmless.

Now, she had no expression on her face, and her beautiful facial features revealed a kind of coolness.

"Do you really like Mengmeng so much? You like to give up her family business for her, like to transfer all her property to her, like to ... be against the grandfather, grandma who raised you, and your father Turn your face? "

Li Junyu originally had a cold look, because Chen Qingzhi's questioning became more serious.

He didn't speak back.

It was not that he couldn't answer, but he knew that Chen Qingzhi was a smart person, and his attitude showed his answer.

As Mrs. Miao said, a man's attitude towards a woman is not what he says, but what he does.

Everything Li Junyu did for Mengmeng was never summed up by a few rhetoric.

"Oh, it seems ... you really made up your mind." Chen Qing smiled suddenly.

As Li Junyu expected, he really didn't have to say anything, Chen Qingzhi had the answer.

But the next moment, Chen Qingzhi's smile on his lips became cold: "But what can you do to make up your mind? I remember that you have a fiancee abroad, and that's the arrangement of your maternal grandfather. Neither Li family, your father can promise this marriage.

Just now, in front of Mengmeng's face, I didn't break through you. But Li Junyu, how do you give Mengmeng happiness with your enemies now? "

[Beyond 1200 words, there is another chapter ~]

(End of this chapter)

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