Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1565: First thorough exposure

Chapter 1565 Chapter Thorough Exposure

"No, no ... no ... this video is not right, impossible ..."

Chen Qing looked up violently, and the beautiful face on the earth was hysterical.

"I didn't push your mother, how could I push her ... how could I push her!" Chen Qingzhi's ecstasy apricot eyes had been stained with scarlet water and stained with water vapor.

Yingying Shuiguang covered her eyes.

Obviously it wasn't like this, it wasn't like that at that time, why did the video become like this!

Things have passed for so many years, she always remembered that she had not harmed the old lady at the beginning, she stopped at the last moment.

How could she hurt her, how could she push her down with her own hands!

"There is something wrong with this video. Where did you come from this video? Tell me, who gave it to you!" With tears in Chen Qingzhi's eyes, she lifted up those Xing eyes that were similar to Ruan Mengmeng and died Staring at Li Junyu.

Li Junyu's eyes were as deep as ink.

His eyes were cold, his face was indifferent, his eyes were cold and solemn toward Chen Qingzhi.

"This video was found after I had someone restore the archives of the surveillance system in the other hospital." The man's voice was cold and bitter, soaked to almost no trace of temperature.

Yes, this video was not received by him from an anonymous source.

Although Li Junyu sent someone to check the anonymous video, there were no traces of hands and feet, but the entire video was too short, only the short section where Chen Qingzhi pushed Xuexin downstairs.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, he deliberately invited experts from abroad to restore the surveillance archives of the old hospital.

And this restored archive is the truth of the whole thing.

No editing, no one tampering with it, everything in the video is the truth of the year.

His mother Yue Xuexin was pushed down by Chen Qingzhi himself.

"No, it's impossible, it's not true. I didn't push your mother at all, I didn't!" However, even with the evidence of the video, Chen Qingzhi still refused to acknowledge.

The tears in her eyes could not stop falling: "That was not the case, you believe me."

"Believe?" Li Junyu's eyes taunted and looked at Chen Qingzhi coldly. "Suppressing this hatred is my greatest determination. In order to be adorable, I will become a filial man, but trust you, Never. "

This is his biggest concession.

Because of this video, he wished to frustrate Chen Qingzhi.

But Mengmeng, Junxi ... they were like two mountains, standing in front of him.

A tyrant who never talks about emotions must give in to his mother's hatred.

This is not a pain for Li Junyu.

In order to give an explanation to the strangled mother, he closed himself off and gave up all feelings.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the influence that girl had on him.

Since the road was chosen by oneself, even the heavy pain must go alone.

No worries, sweetness, happiness, leaving Mengmeng.

But guilt, torture, and pain are only left to me when I'm alone.

"No, it's not like that. Junyu, you have to believe me, I can explain it. It's not that I pushed Madam down, Madam is so good to me, how could I ...

"Then explain why you followed my mother sneakily? You deliberately followed her behind, not to murder her, but to what?"

"So, that's for ... for ..." Chen Qingzhi's breathing stagnated, but stopped at a critical moment.

She dare not say, can't say.

"Why not !?"

A soft voice came with a tenacious voice.

"Li Junyu, this is the reason you kept hiding from me ..."

[Updated today, see you tomorrow night]

Sorry for the update on the first day of August, but today I was too tired to work overtime, my eyelids could hardly be lifted, and my neck was stiff. The following plot is very important. I do n’t want to stumble on it. Both books are scumbags today. I am a scum writer and I am guilty. Sorry baby ~

(End of this chapter)

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