Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1589: Unexpected

Chapter 1589 Unexpected

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

She was so tense in her heart that she just said that she was angry, but she did not expect that Li Junyu actually reacted more than her.

Looking at the closed door, Ruan Mengmeng pursed her lips, after all, she couldn't pull her face to ask him to come back.

Only one person could hold his breath and hit the pillow a few times.

If you still do n’t remember your strength, maybe your bed will collapse.


On the other side, Li Junyu, who said he was going to the company, suddenly regretted leaving the presidential suite.

Even if his wife is pregnant, Mr. Li has long been accustomed to taking his young wife away and holding him in his arms.

Mengmeng's body is petite and small, fragrant and soft, and she can feel happiness just by holding her to sleep.

The tyrant, standing outside the door of the presidential suite, stretched out his slender five fingers and spread out.

He looked down at the palm of his hand. Not long ago, the big palm had just rubbed the woman's delicate body.


The dullness and depression in the body may drive people crazy.

But all came out, at least tonight, Li Dasha could not pull his face back.

Stepping slightly, Li Junyu turned and walked into the elevator to the next floor, and let the hotel manager directly open an executive suite to rest under the presidential suite.


When Li Junyu flushed the cold water and came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, the mobile phone on the table rang.

The man approached, saw the number on the screen, frowned slightly-Li Junting.

"Hey, say." The voice after he answered the phone was terrible cold.

Finally completed a task, Gao Xing was happy to call to receive the peacock, and suddenly heard his brother's voice, scared the peacock hair off the ground.

He froze and couldn't help asking: "Brother ... once a month?"

Li Junyu: "..."

"Oh, that's wrong, it should be Xiaomi Tao once again every month, right? Alas, look at your voice, a sense of dissatisfaction with Gu ..." Before the words were over, Li Junting suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Isn't his grandma pregnant?

How can there be once a month.

"Speak people." Li Junyu's indifferent and majestic voice cut off Li Junting's endless ridicule, "unless you are still interested in the moon landing project and want to make a trip to death."

Li Peacock suddenly realized that his elder brother was not angry.

It's the same, Mengmeng is not a matter of those days of each month, it can't do that kind of thing for three months.

Alas, my brother's abstinence is probably very hard.

Look at this hot temper, it's just a small steel cannon.

Li Junting was glad to have blossomed, but on the surface he said solemnly: "I don't dare to be interested in any moon landing project or scientific research contribution. I mean, brother ..."

Listening to Li Junting's speech, Li Junyu went to the wine cabinet and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Gently shaking the red liquid in the goblet, the man grabbed his eyes: "Let her come up, I'm in the room."


Ten minutes later, Ruan Mengmeng's anger was almost gone, and she was rolling on the bed with her pillow.

Just then, a doorbell rang outside the suite.

Is it Li Junyu?

The first time was this reaction, Ruan Mengmeng didn't think about it, immediately put on slippers and ran out to open the door.

Because I was so anxious, I didn't look at cat eyes beforehand.

When the door opened, a woman's face broke into her eyes without warning.

And beside that woman was a boy.

"You ..." Ruan Mengmeng's eyes narrowed slightly, flashing wrong.

The other party also seemed startled, but the person who came to open the door would be Ruan Mengmeng.

[Continue to write, there is another chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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