Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1605: President angry

Chapter 1605: The President Is Angry

Father Li: "Dear ... granddaughter ..."

Ruan Mengmeng, the girl who doesn't deserve Junyu.

The girl who fascinated King Yuxin and let him give up his inheritance and leave Li's house.

The girl he looked down on, thought the door was not right, and was of humble origin. She ... she was Zhan Kai's granddaughter! !! !!

"No, it won't, how could it be that demon who can't stand on the stage." The old lady standing aside was not so impressed by the old master, and accidentally missed out the words she once called Ruan Mengmeng.

When I heard Old Lady Li spit out a ‘not allowed on the table’ or ‘demon girl’, she counted her baby granddaughter.

President Zhan Kai's solemn and indifferent face was even more gloomy.

It turned out that in the eyes of these people, Mengmeng was such a humble existence.

No wonder she refused to forgive Li Junyu at the beginning.

Those who have hurt Mengmeng not only said Li Junyu who broke up, but also the family behind him who only looked at power.

However, compared with the calm performance of Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, Shen Lan showed a totally unacceptable expression.

"No ... Impossible, how is this possible ... Ruan Mengmeng is Chen Qingzhi carrying Ruan Zhaotian out to steal a wild seed from outside! She is a towing bottle brought by Chen Qingzhi into Li's house, how could she be a warrior ...

Oh, I know, I know. It must be Chen Qingzhi who climbed Zhan Yang's bed, it must be. She is an unscrupulous woman, just like climbing into Uncle's bed, so she hooks up ... "


A sudden gunshot made the hustle and bustle in the guest room instantly freeze.

Shen Lan's face was pale, and the expression of excitement just now had turned into a thriller and helplessness.

She looked at the black muzzle that suddenly appeared in front of her.

She had just fired a gun barrel and still had Yu Wen on her forehead.

I do not know when President Zhan Kai has handed Ruan Mianmian to the internal servant. At this moment, the little guy is held by the internal servant, covers his ears, and turns to avoid.

And President Zhan Kai, who pulled out a gun with a gun from the inside servant ’s waist, was just when Shen Lan was ridiculing Chen Qingzhi to the extreme.

Mr. President suddenly drew his gun and fired precisely in the direction where Shen Lan was standing.

That shot, unbiased, hit the bone china tea cup placed on the table next to Shen Lan.

The bone china tea cup was shattered by a bullet, and the spattered fragments just fit into Shen Lan's legs.

She was wearing a skirt today, and the stockings on her legs couldn't stop these splashed porcelain pieces, and the entire left leg suddenly bleed.

At this moment, Shen Lan had no energy to look at the wound on her leg.

Because in front of her, the muzzle of the black hole was so terrible.

"General, Mr. President ..." Shen Lan was bloodless, frowning at the wound on his leg because he wanted to step back.

She didn't understand, she didn't understand why it was like this.

Seeing Li Junyu leave Li family, Li family will be inherited by their three bedrooms in the future.

Seeing her increasingly stable position in Li's family, she will be able to become the housewife of one of the four great families in the future.

But why?

Why it was so hard for her to get everything, but to let the woman she once looked down on easily.

Ruan Mengmeng ... The wild species born by Chen Qingzhi turned out to be the granddaughter of President Zhan Kai.

The person she laughed at and looked down on now has a higher status than her daughter-in-law.

After all, everyone knows that President Zhan Kai now recognizes only one granddaughter.

Chen Qingzhi, as Ruan Mengmeng's mother, was the only one in the warring family.

And she, Shen Lan, was in Li's three bedrooms, one of whom was a daughter-in-law.

Not reconciled, she was not reconciled.

"You ..." Behind the muzzle of Heidongdong, President Zhan Kai watched his face change several times, as if he was unwilling to give up Shen Lan, and gave no chance at all.

He said solemnly and solemnly: "If you say one more word to slander Meng Meng's mother, she will die under the gun."

He is the president, not not to use privileges, but to disdain.

But now, this woman's slander makes him have to give the president the power he deserves to protect his family.

Sorry for Chen Qingzhi, it is his son.

He will not tolerate anyone and hurt real victims.

[Beyond 1200 words: keep writing, there will be later]

These are 1200 words or more than 1100 words, the four chapters are almost 5000 words, the rounding is 5 more, eh ~

(End of this chapter)

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