Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1608: Be open-minded and magnificent

Chapter 1608: Open and Open, Impressive

"Guide Meng, there are a lot of reporters who have blocked the gate of the studio. Our staff can't rush it out. It is inconvenient for others to go out. What do you think?"

The associate director came over and anxiously told Meng Siwen.

Ruan Mengmeng took Yue Ze aside and just heard it.

She told Meng Siwen: "This is what I caused, and it's not a way to keep them blocked so much. Siwen, I used to answer their questions, and they will naturally leave."

"But yours ..." Meng Siwen glanced worriedly at Ruan Mengmeng's stomach, thinking that it was a film set, and dare not say.

The tradition of the S country people is not publicly announced before three months of pregnancy, which is said to be harmful to the child.

Meng Siwen is Ruan Mengmeng's friend, naturally she already knew the news of her pregnancy in advance.

It is not wise for a pregnant woman to face the reporter alone.

Ruan Mengmeng heard the meaning of Meng Siwen's words, "It doesn't matter, just let the staff maintain order on the spot for me."

After speaking, Ruan Mengmeng also turned to look at the gloom aside.

There was still plaster on her hand, and Shen Dashao with a bandage was staring at her at the moment.

His handsome face was still indifferent, but the bandages hanging on his hands made him a little shameless and more grounded.

Ruan Mengmen grinned.

Fortunately, Meng Siwen was clever and specially changed the plot so that the male lead Fu Junqing accidentally injured his hand. This allowed the female lead Lu Yaoyao to take care of him personally, triggering the relationship between the two.

Otherwise, wait for the hand that was depressed by Li Junyu's sorrow ... their drama, I'm afraid it's too late.

"Mr. Huo ..." Ruan Mengmeng said to the gloomy side, "Trouble you, ask your bodyguard to help maintain order."

"Um." Shen Yu nodded, Ru Mo's deep eyes fixed on Ruan Mengmeng.

Xiao Yueze seemed to feel something, turned to Ruan Mengmeng, trying to block the gloomy and possessive eyes.

Unfortunately, Kogoshizawa seemed shorter.

However, his attempt to block Ruan Mengmeng was naturally found to be gloomy.

The man's gloomy and cold eyes, and the frosty eyes of Mosawa Mozu, crossed in mid-air.

Meng Siwen and Ruan Mengmeng, who have no idea what happened, are still discussing how to arrange staff to maintain order.

After a while, the order on the scene has been maintained.

Ruan Mengmeng was going to be interviewed in the past, but Yue Ze kept on letting go.

In desperation, she can only go with Kogize.

Facing many reporters and flashlights, Ruan Mengmeng has become calm and calm.

She kept Kogoshizawa behind, smiled, and faced the camera: "Dear journalist friends, it's been hard, so hot weather is still here. However, this is the set, and our crew needs to shoot, in order not to My personal affairs have delayed the filming of the crew, and I took the time to interview you during work.

The time limit is 20 minutes. If you have any questions, I promise to answer them truthfully. But after 20 minutes, I hope you can respect the other staff and leave as scheduled. You guys see how, if we are willing to accept this condition, then our interview can begin ... "

Ruan Mengmeng's frank and unpretentious approach made the media who were going to dig her black material look impressive.

This kind of girl really has the shadow of being brave at first, instead of being a junior in the rumor that destroys the feelings of others.

After discussion, the reporter agreed with Ruan Mengmeng's conditions.

But the premise is that she must answer truthfully.

"Of course you answer truthfully, and you take the time to ask. As long as it does not involve my family and special privacy, I can cooperate with you on my personal questions."

[Continue to write, and later]

(End of this chapter)

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