Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1634: About Duan Family

Chapter 1634 About The Duan Family

After the marriage of Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu was ‘approved’ by the Li family, they were officially put on the agenda.

Although Li Junyu had been prepared for a long time, the marriage of the warring family and the Li family, such a big matter, would only take a lot of effort for guest invitations and arrangements.

During these days, Li Junyu was so busy that he not only planned the wedding properly, but also handled many official affairs.

Ruan Mengmeng, it is easier than Li Junyu.

I don't know if it's a special constitution, or if the baby bean in the belly is obedient, she heard that she was easy to vomit after one month of pregnancy and had to vomit until three months.

But she has been pregnant for almost two months, but she still eats and sleeps every day, and vomits without eating anything.

Because her body is comfortable, she takes Kogoshizawa to the crew to report every day.

Staying in the crew more, Xiao Yueze's situation is getting better and better, and his speech is no longer fluent. As he used to, he always squeezes out a few words slowly and has obvious communication obstacles.

Ruan Mengmeng also had a good time in the crew. She likes to film, and naturally she will show dazzling brilliance when filming.

Anyway, now the entire S country knows that the real identity of the new actor Ruan Mengmeng is the granddaughter of President Zhan Kai.

In the crew, she was the boss and no one dared to offend her.

Outside, because of this level of identity, ordinary media reporters will not come to find fault.

Netizens on the Internet are even more generous with her. Some people have once questioned the president ’s granddaughter's acting hype and selling reputation.

As a result, the peacock did not have to go to public relations, and was sprayed by netizens on the Internet to delete blogs overnight, and he did not dare to bubble up.

Who made Ruan Mengmeng the granddaughter of President Zhan Kai? This is the national love in Wuwu.

If President Zhan Kai is willing to participate in popular idol elections, there is no doubt that nationals of the entire S country will vote for him.

He alone is the top ‘idol’ who deserves to be loved by the nation.

"Ozawa, I will say something like this in a moment ..." Ruan Mengmeng was playing with Yuze with the script.

Today is her last make-up scene. After finishing this scene, all of her repertoire will be smashed.

At this moment, Ozawa was sitting next to her, watching her drama seriously with her blue and blue eyes.

On the other hand, his eyes were deep and dark, staring at Ruan Mengmeng's low-hanging half-face, and his strong and unstoppable love was hidden in his eyes.

The closer we get to Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu's wedding, the more unwilling they become.

He has more than once wanted to tie away Ruan Mengmeng and put her under house arrest so that she will become her own.


Every time he was devoured by the crazy struggling demon in the bottom of his heart, he just lifted his eyes and saw her bright and glittering apricot eyes with a small smile on his face.

All the gloom at the bottom of the heart is like the sun rising in the sun, and disappears in no time.

After all, he couldn't do it ... couldn't bear to hurt her.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu spit out the long sullen air in his chest, "Meng Meng ..."

He called her softly: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Ruan Mengmeng, who was talking to Yue Ze, lifted her eyes and refused subconsciously: "Mr. Huo, I'm telling Ozawa the scene later ..."

Shen Yu: "It's about the Duan family."

Ruan Mengmeng, who originally wanted to continue to play, immediately stood up and passed the script in hand to Yue Ze.

"Ozawa, see for yourself first, watch back and come back later."

Having said that, Ruan Mengmeng walked towards gloom.

I don't know what the two said, and half a minute later, Ruan Mengmeng left with Depression.

[Tomorrow we will change the update time, after the update will be before 00:00 (I will post it after writing, can be as early as possible, late at 23 o'clock), more breath, not even write one by one ~ 】

Babies save the children, the tyrant needs your praise, don't be partial ~~ The first stage will be finished on the 19th

Remind me again: we will change the update time starting tomorrow, after the update will be before 00:00 (I will post it as soon as possible, can be as early as possible, late at 23 o'clock), more breath 4 more than one Zhang wrote it ~

(End of this chapter)

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