Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1650: Greetings (1)

Chapter 1650: Meeting the Marriage (1)

This night, with the best wishes of my friends, Ruan Mengmeng slept soundly.

Chen Qingzhi was with her in the room. The mother and daughter slept together and told each other a lot.

At nine o'clock the next day, Chen Qingzhi called Ruan Mengmeng.

The makeup artist and stylist are already waiting in the next room, waiting to dress up Ruan Mengmeng.

The whole villa was so dazzlingly lively and extremely lively.

In addition to the Chen family, a lot of other friends and relatives also came. They were all maids and they would all help to block the door later.

King Fat, Red, Yellow, Green and others pulled Li Junche over to be members of the 'Humeng Squad.'

Even Jing Yizhen and Shen Yu actually appeared in the downstairs hall.

They are Ruan Mengmeng's friends, and the people whom Ruan Mengmeng invited are naturally regarded as her ‘mother ’s family’.

Jing Yihuan held Ruan Mianmian in the side hall and spoke with Chen Xiangming.

Although Shen Yu's hand had been removed, she still had difficulty moving, so she sat down with a gloomy face.

But for a while, President Zhan Kai also arrived, and when he came in, he directed his housekeepers to seal the door.

Seeing this scene, everyone thought that something had happened.

The fat man Jing asked not to be afraid of death: "Mr. President, what do you want people to do behind closed doors?"

"You need a red envelope to seal the door. You little tricks, ca n’t block the door, it depends on me. Waiter, please send someone to lock the back door and seal it. Do n’t give them a chance. There are windows, They were sent to prison, but no one could climb in and open the door. "

President Zhan Kai laughed so much that people couldn't see the slightest. When he smiled, the wounds in his abdomen were tingling.

Today is the day when his granddaughter is overjoyed, no matter what, President Zhan Kai will hold on.

Only then did people understand the meaning of fighting the president. I really did not expect that a stately president would be so grounded.

"Yes, yes, nothing is nothing but money. You must let him sprinkle red packets of rain to open the door." Jing Fatty patted his head and said excitedly.

Others followed the cheers cheerfully.

Only Li Jun Che, bowed his head, concealed his eyes.

Brother made him a traitor ...

Well, this task is really difficult.


Not long after, Ruan Mengmeng has put on the bridal makeup.

Later in the wedding ceremony, she will wear a white wedding dress and Li Junyu walk into the church together.

But now, considering that the elders like Chinese style, and they are also willing to uphold traditional etiquette, Ruan Mengmeng, who welcomes the relatives, is doing Chinese style dresses and wearing Xiuhe bridal dresses sewn with gold and silver threads.

Ruan Mengmeng, who had a beautiful white skin and beautiful red bridal gown, was even more charming.

The stylist rolled up her long hair and fixed it with a phoenix crown made of pure gold.

The golden sway and the ruby-inlaid bead green are inserted into the bun, and each step will sway along with it.

Zhu Cui, which fell into fine ruby, trembled slightly, not only looking agile, but also not making the entire shape too dull.

"Beauty, beauty, beauty ... It's so beautiful." Chen Qingzhi took Ruan Mengmeng's hand and looked up and down and left and right and looked satisfied.

It is indeed her daughter, Chen Qingzhi, and her family Mengmeng is so good-looking, no wonder that Li Junyu's highly visionary man fell down under the pomegranate skirt.

However, Chen Qingzhi, who couldn't stop laughing the moment before.

The next moment, there was a sudden sorrow and red eyes.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Ruan Mengmeng pulled her aside when asked about Chen Qingzhi's strangeness, and whispered.

[Update completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

The final for the 23rd C-bit debut is about to start, 39 into 9 ~~ hmmm, hmmm, everyone, do what you can, just have fun ~~ I will study the rules and see how the rest of the pillows are delivered ~

(End of this chapter)

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