Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1676: Don't talk to you bad breath

Chapter 1676: Don't Talk, You're Bad

On the other side, Zhan Jia'er disguised as "Ruan Mengmeng" followed Li Junyu and moved back to Li Yuan after the wedding.

Just entering the gate of Liyuan Villa, far away, the little white dog ‘Sansan’ who had been brought over by Lingbei twisted his little **** and hurled towards ‘Ruan Mengmeng’ with pleasure.

"Well ... Wang ..."

Sansan was happy, and when she saw Ma Ma, she went to coquettishly.

Zhan Jia'er saw the fat beeping group running towards himself from a distance.

She's not afraid of dogs, but ... she knows that dogs have always been spiritual, for fear of smelling something from the dog's nose.

Sure enough, like Zhan Jia'er worried.

As soon as three years old ran to her feet, she stopped suddenly, and then gave a deep hissing from her throat.

This is a sign that the animal is warning.

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ stood there and did n’t dare to move for an instant. She did n’t know the name of the dog, so she turned around and turned to the man behind for help.

"Husband, what's going on ... why is this to me?"

Li Junyu came in from outside the villa and saw this scene with cold eyes.

"The wedding is canceled, and my father hasn't agreed with you to enter the house. Don't call my husband or name for the time being. Sansan is welcoming you ..."

"Ruan Mengmeng" drew the corners of his lips. I did not expect that a man like Li Junyu would still be a "Father Treasure Boy".

However, knowing the dog's name is all right, so you do n’t have to show it.

"Ruan Mengmeng" immediately turned around, squatted down a little, and extruded a bright smile: "Sansan, how are you ... really good ..."

Her face is Ruan Mengmeng's face. She just sprayed Ruan Mengmeng's perfume on the dressing table just now.

With the scent of this face and body, it should not be difficult to get confused.

Who knows, just after Zhan Jiaer reached out to touch San San's head, she was frightened by the milk-white puppy's mouth.

"Ah-" she exclaimed.

If she hadn't pumped her hands fast, she might have been bitten by the mean dog.

"what happened?"

"Jun Yu, it bites me!"

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ was weak and innocent and wanted to pounce into a man ’s arms, but Li Junyu missed him and avoided it.

The man crouched and hugged the little white dog on the ground.

In his arms, the milky white puppy who had just shown his fangs just now was fierce, and suddenly showed his belly, docile and well-behaved.

Li Junyu held a look of three or three and said, "It's okay, maybe your mouth tastes too much today, he's not used to it. Meng Meng ... brush your teeth more in the future. The taste in your mouth, honestly, I also Can't stand it. "

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ has an expression of disbelief.

From today at the wedding, Li Junyu began to talk about her bad breath.

She didn't believe it at first, but now even a dog hates her, but she can't help making Zhan Jiaer more suspicious.

Just at this time, Li Junting came in from the outside and passed by ‘Ruan Mengmeng’ to hear the conversation between the two of them.

"Yes Ruan Mengmeng, you still have to talk less. I used to say that you have a taste in your mouth, you still don't believe it ... Well, this taste is too great today, all three to Xun Xun. Look, it I used to kiss you best, but now I'm so stupid that I want to bite you. "

Li Junche followed the door and heard that, Jun Xiu's face sank.

"Second brother, let's go upstairs, there is a feed here ... bad smell."

After that, Master Li and Master Three of the Li Family could not avoid going upstairs.

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ heard what they said, and when they saw such disgusting actions, they immediately looked at Li Junyu.

"Jun Yu ..."

"Don't talk, I still have something, go back to the study first." After that, the man left the little white dog.

Make no secret of the suspicion of 'Ruan Mengmeng'.

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow night ~ less updates before, make up on September 2]

By the way, the lottery building is closed today, and the pillow floor will be counted later. If there is no screenshot, the post does not meet the requirements, it will be postponed, and the rest does not have any requirements for the fans. List, don't be impatient ~]

(End of this chapter)

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