Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1693: Take Ruan Mengmeng

Chapter 1693: Taking Ruan Mengmeng Down

After a while, dozens of well-trained guards blocked Ruan Mengmeng and surrounded her.

Zhan Mo's complexion was iron blue, and his dark pupils hesitated several times.

But as soon as his eyes touched those who were regarded as treasures by Jiaer, the photos that had been scattered on the table were broken and could not help but become firm and cold.

Jiaer baby's things, no one is allowed to move.

Ruan Mengmeng can be arrogant, once Jiaer is involved, it is the inverse scale that he cannot tolerate.

No one is exception.

Dozens of guards quickly surrounded Ruan Mengmeng. If it was the former Ruan Mengmeng, to deal with them, only brute force and skills may be lost.

But since she suffered a loss at the Shen family last time, she has started to learn various self-defense techniques.

Not to mention, in order to shoot "Jingdan Qinxin", she just learned a variety of boxing and knife techniques.

Like the lyrics, all the swords and guns are playful.

However, even if she had the chance to win, Ruan Mengmeng did not take any action.

She just tilted her head slightly, looking at the indifferent man standing outside the crowd.

"Zhan Qingze, someone is going to do something to your beloved daughter-in-law. Do you just let them act like this, don't you protect me?"

"..." Zhan Qingze's original expressionless face appeared a moment of hesitation.

Zhan Mo called Zhan Qingze to come in, originally to scare and suppress Ruan Mengmeng.

But now, it is used by Ruan Mengmeng instead.

Zhan Mo understands Zhan Qingze. He will not betray the fighters, but he will never let them look at them, which is not good for his benefactors.

Sure enough, the next second, Zhan Qingze's body was like a blade, ‘chopping’ at a very fast speed to the guards who surrounded Ruan Mengmeng in layers.

These trained guards were too late to see clearly. One of them only felt a pain in his lower back. The next moment he lost control of his body and fell to the solid wood floor.

Kidney Shot, the simplest and rude one, makes people immediately lose their ability to move.

Although Ruan Mengmeng has learned, she has never used it.

Immediately after, the second, third, and fourth people fell.

Zhan Qingze's speed is astonishingly fast. He moves quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. He puts one guard after another without dragging his feet.

Until he came behind the fifth man, a large, powerful palm grabbed his arm.

"Zhan Qingze, stop--" Zhan Mo drank sternly, and his voice, which was so cold, had endured to the extreme.

Ruan Mengmeng, how could she have this magic.

How to make things run counter to his expected direction.

Even Zhan Qingze became the one she used.

Zhan Qing has great strength. He controls Zhan Qingze's arms. If Zhan Qingze does not fight back, it is easy and difficult to break free.

And Zhan Mo is the master, and Zhan Qingze naturally cannot shoot Zhan Mo.

In this way, the remaining seven guards can be regarded as 'escape from a disaster'.

And at this moment, the hurried footsteps of "咚咚" going upstairs came from outside the open study door.

After a while, Zhou Jiaojiao ran up.

"Mo Shao, my father heard the fighting coming out here, let me come over and see what happened? Is there any trouble? Need he send someone over?"

Zhou Jiaojiao's tone was eager, her face was concerned, and she looked very worried.

However, in fact, she just wanted to laugh, and laughed cheerfully.

The villas where the Zhou family and Zhan Mo live are only separated by a wall.

The doors and windows of the study on Zhan Mo's side were not closed, and the guards downstairs were alarmed again.

(End of this chapter)

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