Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1702: Bad sugar addicted teenager

Chapter 1702: The Bad Sugar Addicted Boy

Since Winston brought back the news from Little Peach, and confirmed the identity of the little princess of the war, Li Junting began to play tricks on her.

Have a pity for her?

No, it doesn't exist.

In the little princess of the warring family, they would never think so.

You know, the little princess of the warring family once wanted the heart of sister Xiaomitao, but now she wants the heart of little peach.

Such a woman who can be described as a 'devil' is even Li Ershi, who has always been entitled 'Friend of Women'.

Facing her, she will never relent.

"I, I see ... I will do my best."

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ looked at Li Junyu pitifully with the tearful apricot eyes, but unfortunately, Li Junyu did n’t even drop her right eye on her.

Without Li Junyu's response, 'Ruan Mengmeng' could only give up.

She lowered her head and slowly ate the breakfast in front of her, showing a sad expression.

Zhan Jiaer was so appetite that she couldn't eat it.

But Zhan Jiaer knew that she couldn't stop eating, because after eating, she still had to do a lot of hard work.

At this moment, Zhan Jiaer felt deeply that she was wronged.

She was no longer living the life of the little princess, but was bullied like Cinderella.

"Hey, Ruan Mengmeng ..." At this moment, the beautiful young boy who had been sitting diagonally opposite did not start suddenly.

Zhan Jiaer gave a slight stun when he heard his clearer voice.

Since she came to Li's house for so long, although Li Junche has always maintained a cold attitude, she has never actually harmed her.

Unlike Li Junting, she always likes to ridicule her and bully her.

Zhan Jiaer really did not know how the real Ruan Mengmeng endured such a violent Junting.

"Jun Che, you call me?"

Zhan Jiaer's lips angle slightly raised, raising his head.

She was looking forward to what Li Junche was going to say to herself.

"You didn't move much at breakfast. Isn't it appetizing?" The handsome teenager was really considerate.

His clear eyes were ‘concerned’ and seemed to be worried about her.

‘Ruan Mengmeng’ moved on her face for a moment, and she said softly, “Well, it may be… Appetite is not very good recently.”

Zhan Jiaer would like to say that she is not used to it.

She wants to eat things that the warring family has long used to eat, such as Li Yaoyang's position, the bowl of shark fin that has not been touched by him.

However, in order to maintain the image of 'Ruan Mengmeng', Zhan Jiaer cannot eat what she likes.

The beautiful boy sitting diagonally nodded slightly, as if it had been expected.

He raised his fine-lined chin and said to Uncle Zhao who stood aside, "Bring her the breakfast that she usually likes to eat ... the wedding is over, and occasionally it doesn't matter."

Zhan Jiaer heard Li Junche's words, and her heart rose with curiosity.

What is Ruan Mengmeng's favorite food for breakfast?

And, still ca n’t eat before the wedding?

In Zhan Jiaer's curiosity, Uncle Zhao brought a delicate silver plate up.

The silver plate is covered with a lid, and it cannot be seen what is inside, but such a delicate mounting plate must be something good.

Is it caviar?

Or other treasures?

"Miss Nguyen, please."

Uncle Zhao put the silver plate in front of Ruan Mengmeng and took the cover on the silver plate.

When the lid was opened, the favorite food on the breakfast table of Ruan Mengmeng on the silver plate.

Zhan Jiaer, sitting in front of the dinner plate, almost stunned with instinct.

What is this ...?

(End of this chapter)

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