Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1711: Bring Zhou Jiaojiao over

Chapter 1711 Bring Zhou Jiaojiao

Armed with anger, Zhanmo coldly ordered his subordinates to bring the culprit Zhou Jiaojiao over.

However, Zhou Jiaojiao was brought by Zhan Mo's subordinates.

However, with Zhou Jiaojiao, it was still Zhou Zhengji, the old general, and now Mrs. Zhou Qin Fang.

Ruan Jiaojiao saw the king steward lying on the floor, almost beaten into an impersonal form, and she knew that it was the steward thing that had failed, and she shook her out.

But she claims to be the daughter of General Zhou, and she is valuable.

The housekeeper had been carefully wiping out all the evidence. Even the underground bank account used for the transfer, it was impossible to leave a handle.

So, when seeing Zhan Mo sitting there coldly, Zhou Jiaojiao said tearfully, and said extremely innocently: "Mo Shao ... They said, you must catch me over and ask me to say that I have done a great disaster. . Mo Shao, I ... I ... what did I do wrong? "

"Young Master, Jiao Jiao is young and has just been admitted to the Zhou family by me. If she doesn't understand anything and offends you, please look at me and don't care about her."

General Zhou Zhengji also helped his daughter speak at this time.

In his opinion, Zhou Jiaojiao, a little girl, could make a big deal.

At best, her daughter likes war deserts too much, some sticky people.

However, this kind of stickiness is what Zhou Zhengji likes to hear.

Since Jiaojiao acknowledged his ancestor's return to the family, their family has become more and more sophisticated, and their self-cultivation is also a noble habit that was originally developed in the Ruan family.

Zhou Zhengji is very satisfied with this daughter. These days, there are more and more ladies like everyone. If you can get Master Mo's favor, then the Zhou family will be even more prominent and brilliant.

However, in the face of Zhou Jiaojiao's tearful cry and Zhou Zhengji's help, Zhan Mo was not moved at all.

He looked at the two indifferently and patted his palms.

The subordinates at the side took out the recording pen and replayed the previous recording.

"What are you afraid of ... Ruan Mengmeng has been hungry for two weeks. Even if you kill her in front of her now, she has no ability to fight back ... as long as you cut her wrist and let her soak in the bathtub Make the illusion of suicide and make sure no one knows you did it ... "

Zhou Jiaojiao heard her voice, and it came out from the recording pen that filled the entire room.

Her tears gradually widened, revealing a look of terror.

It wasn't until that recording was played to the end that there was no more sound, she slowly recovered.

"No, it's impossible ... I never said such a thing ..." Zhou Jiaojiao was in a state of chaos, but she still knew that she would not bite.

What kind of person Zhan Mo is, she has heard a lot of his past methods and deeds from her father.

It's no exaggeration to say something heartless and ruthless.

Such a person, if he knew who she had contacted him in private, picked from it, even if it was in the face of his father, he would not actually punish her.

But because she hates her, it is very likely.

Zhou Jiaojiao likes Zhan Mo, likes his dignity and indifference.

The more he did, the more she wanted it.

Letting such a man be emotional for her and be different to her can satisfy her strong vanity.

"Father, explain it to me and Mo Shao soon." Zhou Jiaojiao went to pull on General Zhou, and Qin Fang on the other side also interceded with General Zhou.

[There are updates later, about 23 o'clock]

(End of this chapter)

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