Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1716: Ruan Mengmeng who bent over and hugged her nest in the corner of the bed

Chapter 1716 Bend over and hug Ruan Mengmeng, who is nesting in the corner of the bed

At the moment Zhan Mo looked at Ruan Mengmeng, Ruan Mengmeng also looked at Zhan Mo at the same time.

Her hands tightened gradually under the thin quilt.

Tonight, I must leave.

All of her play is based on Zhan Jiaer in their hands, but she has no handle on Zhan Mo's hands.

Zhan Mo wants her heart, so she must protect her peace.

It was on this point that Ruan Mengmeng dared to stay happily, tossing war desert and tossing Zhan Jiaer by the way.

But now ... she was smashed by Zhou Jiaojiao's idiot with the matter of Xiao Ding.

At any time, the fool Zhou Jiaojiao actually became keen to observe.

Ruan Mengmeng was a little stubborn, and the deeper her defense against war deserts.

The sons educated by Zhan Yang and Duan Xiuhui disregard human lives. For him, an unborn child is definitely the best threat.

Ruan Mengmeng held her breath and stared, waiting for Zhan Mo to give instructions.

Whether it was to have her under strict supervision in this room or to push her to the basement, she was confident that she could escape.

She, plus Mr. Winston, has this ability no matter who.

However, after waiting for a long time, I did not wait to fight the next move.

Instead, I heard Zhan Mo said in a cold, solemn voice, "Take Zhou Jiaojiao down and do what I just said. In addition, she has too much to say, and she doesn't need to keep her tongue."

After calling Ruan Mengmeng pregnant, Zhou Jiaojiao thought she could be saved.

But she couldn't think of it anyway, instead of waiting for the order to be released, she was punished more terribly than before.

"No, indifferent ... I ..." Begging for mercy later, he couldn't shout anymore.

Because Zhou Jiaojiao's chin had been shot down by Zhan Mo's men.

Zhou Zhengji was afraid to plead at this time.

Zhan Mo's warning just scared his final spirit.

He can only turn a blind eye to Zhou Jiaojiao's tragic situation, don't look at his face, don't look at it, there will be no heartache.

After a while, Zhou Jiaojiao's whine disappeared into the corridor.

After a while, the housekeeper was dragged away, Zhou Zhengji left Qin Fang with a **** heart, and all the people in the room retreated.

At this moment, only Zhan Mo and Ruan Mengmeng were still in the room.

The two were relatively speechless.

A crouched corner of the bed, like a frightened beast, was horrified to guard the man on the sofa.

The other, frowning slightly, observed the woman on the bed with a complicated look.

Just when Ruan Mengmeng thought that such a confrontation would last for a long time, a squealing footsteps suddenly came from the corridor.

"Master, clear porridge is here." He gasped slightly as he took the cook up from the plate.

He was afraid that if he took a few steps, he would be punished by the master like the steward who dared to neglect Miss Ruan.

The two maids followed behind the chef and whispered, "Master, let's change pajamas for Miss Ruan and feed her porridge by the way."

Today, no one in the whole villa dares to neglect Miss Ruan.

Faintly, everyone even feels that now Miss Ruan seems to have gradually gained the status of Miss Jiaer.

Zhan Mo heard the movement outside the door, cold face, and stood up from the sofa.

The chef, maid and even Ruan Mengmeng thought that Zhan Mo should go out now.

Who knows, he stretched his long legs and walked to the bed.

Bent over and hugged Ruan Mengmeng, who was nesting in the corner of the bed.

"Do not touch me……"

Before Ruan Mengmeng finished speaking, she heard the voice of war and indifference coming from overhead.

"Falling and falling, it's your belly."

As soon as this remark came out, Ruan Mengmeng really obediently nestled in his arms and did not move.

(End of this chapter)

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