Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1733: Never let her show up in front of you

Chapter 1733: Never Let Her Appear In Front Of You

This is the first time in these days that Zhan Mo left at mealtime.

As usual, if there was a phone call, he would either answer in front of Ruan Mengmeng, or just knock it off.

Situations like this have never happened.


Came to the study on the second floor, Zhan Mo answered the phone.

"Woo ... brother ..." Zhan Jiaer came from the phone with a crying, grieving voice.

Hearing the long-lost sister's voice, Zhan Mo's frown frowned even deeper.

He could never hear Zhan Jiaer's crying voice, and he couldn't bear to let his sister go wrong.

"Jiaer, what happened? Don't worry, slowly say ..."

Zhan Mo did not have a clear grasp of the internal affairs of Li Yuan, so if Zhan Jiaer did not contact him, he could not contact Jiaer, and he could not know her situation at Li's house.

However, he has recently sent someone into the Li family, but he has not been able to enter the interior of the Li Garden, but can only stand guard outside.

Soon, his people would have access to Li's house.

It just takes some time.

"Brother ... I ... I had a hard time at Li Family. Brother ... I, I am so uncomfortable ..."

The reason why Zhan Jia'er has not contacted Zhan Mo is that she is afraid that Zhan Mo will let her go back.

She managed to replace Ruan Mengmeng and came to Li Junyu.

She is the daughter of a warring family, so excellent, Li Junyu may not dislike her.

So she wanted to stay and impress this handsome but cold man.

Who knows, not only did she have no chance to approach Li Junyu while staying in Liyuan, she also had to do endless hard work.

That's all. She still wears a human skin mask every day. She can't look at people with her true face, which makes her beautiful face a bumpy acne.

What's more terrible is that girl named Ruan Mianmian.

Is that girl a devil?

She had more strength than a cow and knocked her over without saying a word.

Can actually break open walnuts with bare hands!

Even more frightening is that the annoying little girl will pull her to smash together.

"Brother ... you don't know how terrible that child is. My hand never did heavy work, but she forced me to smash the walnuts. I could only smash them hard to reveal the filling. Now the bones in my right hand seem to crack.

Zhan Jia'er cried awfully on the phone.

Hearing her sister's words, Zhan Mo had regarded the child named Ruan Mianmian in her sister's mouth as an uneducated bear child.

"This kind of child, if you stay away from her in the future, you will say that you are uncomfortable and ignore her."

"But brother ... she, she seems to be Ruan Shishi's daughter." Zhan Jiaer thought about the message she heard today and pouted. "Ruan Shishi is dead. She likes to follow Ruan Mengmeng now."

"In her eyes, I'm Ruan Mengmeng. She said ... I'm still looking for me to smash walnuts tomorrow, and I'll be looking for me every day ... Brother, I'm really scared, will my hand break like this Drop ... "

The outer edge of Zhan Jiaer's right hand was indeed reddish, but it was far from breaking the bone fracture.

In fact, Ruan Mianmian played with her this afternoon, and when she saw her pain, she did not dare to let Mengmeng pull hard.

Xiao Mianmian is very sensible, although he feels weird today, seems to have become weak and frail.

But she is very sad ‘Ruan Mengmeng’, and it ’s definitely not difficult for Meng Meng.

However, when Zhan Mo heard Zhan Jiaer's words, what came to her mind was the scene where her sister was persecuted by a bear child and had to break open the hard walnut with his bare hands in order not to reveal her true identity.

She always loves her younger sister, but will not take the others in her heart and say, "Ruan, Mian, Mian ... OK, brother knows. You can rest assured that my brother will not let her appear in front of you."

On the other end of the phone, Zhan Mo promised with a low, indifferent voice, and Zhan Jiaer's lips rose, revealing a naive and pure smile.

[Update completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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