Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1745: Ruan Mianmian is now in my hands

Chapter 1745 Ruan Mianmian Now In My Hands

In other words, if the bone marrow in Zhanjiaer's sternum is removed and injected into the wall of her heart after dilution, the original lack of blood supply to the heart will be relieved.

Each extraction and injection can last at least 10 months.

Zhan Mo looked to Ruan Mengmeng: "And, the most important thing is that the extraction of bone marrow is not harmful to the human body, and the bone marrow has a strong ability to regenerate. You can also see that Ruan Mianmian's bone marrow match matches Jiaer, so ... ... She should help Jiaer. "

Jiaer, Jiaer, Jiaer ...

Ruan Mengmeng has never wanted to kill Zhan Jiaer like this moment.

She forced herself to calm down and tightened her entire body, but still could not calm down.

"This kind of thing is obviously enough to extract Zhan Jiaer's own bone marrow. Why is it still alive? You are doing this for selfishness!"

Finally, the woman standing at the door broke out.

She threw the report in her hand and the little black box to the man on the bed with excitement, Ruan Mengmeng rushed over, two trembling little hands clung to the arms of Zhan Mo.

Obviously, Zhan Mo was afraid of pulling the wound on the left arm, but at this moment, Ruan Mengmeng couldn't care less.

Her hands were hung fiercely on his arm, fiercely, without mercy.

"Zhan Mo, don't treat me as a fool! There must be something wrong with this. I want to be honest, you can't be fooled by these sounding words. Zhan Mo ... If things are so simple, why don't you hide me! It cannot be so, you must have other conspiracy, right? "

Ruan Mengmeng's bright apricot eyes had long been immersed in water and covered with tears.

But she kept trying not to cry, she couldn't cry, all the tears were trapped in her eyes, and the corners of her eyes were already covered with red bloodshot.

In those eyes, there was eagerness that could not be thickened.

Zhan Mo looked up and saw Ruan Mengmeng's forbearable and 'crazy' look.

The tears under her eyes, the resolution under her eyes, the hatred under her eyes ... and the panic and helplessness under her eyes.

Suddenly, Zhan Mo had mixed feelings in his heart, and thought of Zhan Jiaer's indifference and indifference, and he shook when he saw such Ruan Mengmeng.

"... Ruan Mengmeng, listen to me, this is for your good. You better not ask any more." Finally, Zhan Mo still couldn't bear to look at Ruan Mengmeng.

He spoke, speaking coldly.

"Good for me? Oh, do you think I need such a good one?" Ruan Mengmeng uttered a ridiculous smile.

"Zhan Mo, from the beginning to the end, your main son of Zhan Jiaer is the heart of our sisters. This matter has never been a secret. If you have the ability, ask me to take it, but she is innocent ... of."

"I didn't lie to you, this is really for your good."

A thin layer of cold sweat had leaked from the front of the battle desert, and it was the physiological response brought by Ruan Mengmeng's hand to his left arm to pull the wound.

However, his eyes were still so cold and his expression was still so light.

He is like a man without feelings, and said coldly, "I haven't concealed you until now. Ruan Mianmian is now in my hands."

Ruan Mengmeng's pupils suddenly shrank, "What, you tied up?"

Her gaze, subconsciously looked at Zhan Mo's left arm, and began to ooze the wound.

It was a gunshot ...

So, that night, she felt uneasy because Zhan Mo went to the Bauhinia Quarter and abducted her!

Zhan Mo followed her gaze and looked at her left arm, even though she saw the wound begin to bleed.

"Yes, as you think. The injury on the left arm was left at that time. Li Junyu sent someone to protect near your grandmother's house. When I took someone away, I was bitten by the little girl. She's very strong, because of this, I can't bear the pain and dodge, and I will be hit by Li Junyu. "

During the talk, Zhan Mo raised his shirt hem blankly.

A small tooth mark that was very clear even if healed, was embedded deep under his right waist.

That tooth mark is still very obvious to this day. It can be seen that at that time, Ruan Mianmian had many mouthfuls, and was afraid in his heart ...

[Update completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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