Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1747: Between you and me, since then

Chapter 1747: Between You and Me, From Here On

Fortunately, Ruan Mianmian's bone marrow matching was successful, which can be used for Zhan Jiaer.

Bone marrow extraction does not cause physical damage, and the ability of bone marrow to heal is extremely fast, once a year or even twice a year.

Even minors have minimal impact on the body.

Therefore, when the person in charge of the medical institution told Zhan Mo that if he could not find his heart for the time being, he could use this method to “renew his life” for Zhan Jiaer.

Zhan Mo agreed without hesitation.

If it is not necessary to sacrifice Ruan Mengmeng's heart, then what does it matter to use other people's?

"I don't need your kindness to me." Ruan Mengmeng has now calmed down. She lifted her cold apricot eyes and looked at Zhan Mo with a very light expression.

"I, as long as you let go. The rest, whether it's good or bad for me, I'm not afraid. Zhan Mo ... don't make me hate you."

Don't make her hate him ...

Don't make her hate him ...

When Zhan Mo heard this sentence, she looked pale and cold because of excessive blood loss, and passed a blunt pain.

The dark eyes of the man were dark.

For a long time, thin lips said lightly: "Hate if you hate, no matter how you think about it, there is no room to turn it around."

He never regrets what he decides.

He would hug Jiaer, and he would hug Ruan Mengmeng.

For a man who used to shelter one person from the wind and rain for the first time, he wanted to protect another person for the first time.

He didn't know why, but ... he couldn't help but start to act.

Ruan Mengmeng took a deep look at the man in front of him.

"Okay, from today on, I'm just your prisoner, you're just the person who tied me up. Between you and me, since then, we have nowhere else to talk about."

After that, Ruan Mengmeng got up and stepped back.

She finally knew why Zhan Mo took her to the movie that day. It turned out she was deliberately trying to please her.


She will not go to war again, because she knows that in this man's heart, no one is more important than his little Princess Zhan Jiaer.

He dares to take action, so don't blame her for being cruel.

Now that they've caught up, they are trying to keep Zhan's life alive.

So, if Zhan Jiaer, who needs to be renewed, is gone, then Mian Mian should also become useless?

What seemed to come to mind, Ruan Mengmeng evoked a cold smile.

She looked up at Zhan Mo for the last time, and exited the room where they once lived together.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's resolute and indifferent eyes, watching her step by step away, Zhan Mo for the first time gave birth to the pain that I did not know how to save.

His pain was not an injury to his arm, not a dull pain in his heart.

But between the chests, it seemed as if a sharp opening had been cut by the sharp blade, feeling that something was moving away, but could no longer hold it.

"Deaf, hurt on your arm ..."

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's strange rise leaving with blood, she pushed in the door and saw the scene that made him extremely shocked.

Their indifference, born with divine protection, have always been men who crushed others unilaterally.

Sitting on the bed at this moment, blood stained the entire left arm.

So bright red, so much sticky bloody.

Seeing Zhan Mo's dark eyes as if covered with a layer of shame, sitting silently on the bedside, Qi Sheng could not help but take a breath.

He couldn't know what was going on in the room just now.

What is it that makes a man who has always been cold and ruthless, showing such a desolate look.

Alas, is such a man still the indifferent he knows?

(End of this chapter)

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