Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1756: Unwilling to use feelings

Chapter 1756: Unwillingness To Use Love

"Master, phone ..." Just as Zhan Mo sat down, a bit of disappointment crossed his cold face, preparing to eat alone.

Qi Sheng suddenly took the mobile phone and sent it in respectfully.

That cell phone is a phone that Zhan Mo uses to talk to Zhan Jiaer specifically. It has anti-eavesdropping device and will not be monitored.

Seeing the familiar number on the phone screen, Zhan Mo knew that it was his Jiaer.

However, it is strange that when you see Zhan Jiaer call, you will unconsciously become happy.

Today, there is such a calmness.

Zhan Mo waved and let everyone else back down, he answered the phone: "Hey ..."

"Brother, thank you, I received what you sent!" Zhan Jiaer's ethereal and delicate voice came from the phone.

Her voice was with joy, and it was clear that his people had already sent ‘love’ to Jiaer.

Zhan Mo hooked his lips slightly, "Just like it."


Zhan Jiaer's voice was restless, as if hesitating.

"I'm glad my brother thinks about me and thinks for me. But my brother, this thing will be charming, right? This is what you said, will make Jun Yu like my medicine right? I ... Don't want to use it. "

"You don't want to use it?" Zhan Mo's voice sank, seeming unhappy.

However, only he knew that he would be inexplicably relaxed for a while.

It was as if hearing Jiaer said that she didn't want to use Li Junyu's medicine, which would make him feel relieved.

I do n’t know where this inexplicable ease came from, and this feeling of relaxation came very fast. Zhan Mo's answer was turned to attention before he could catch the details.

Zhan Jia'er: "Well ... I don't want to use drugs for Jun Yu, I want him to really like me.

These days, Jun Yu's attitude towards me seems to be much better than before. Brother, if I can, I want to try again, try to make Jun Yu truly fall in love with me. "

Li Junyu can like Ruan Mengmeng, why can't she like Zhan Jiaer?

She had seen how Li Junyu petted Ruan Mengmeng, how to take care of her, how to ... press her on the sofa and take it seriously.

That enviable perfect love, she also wanted to have.

Zhan Jiaer has been protected by her parents and brother since she was a child. Her world seems to be windy and rainy, and there is nothing missing.

But she knew she was missing, she was missing.

Even the love that an illegitimate daughter can have, she never had.

Li Junyu, what a perfect man.

She secretly watched his red body, secretly watched him on the bed, occupying the mighty and domineering Ruan Mengmeng.

She wanted to own the man in its entirety, not rely on drugs, not even lose it to a woman she looked down on.

Zhan Mo didn't seem to think Zhan Jiaer would refuse to use ‘love’.

This was unexpected, but he was relieved again.

"Since you don't want to use it, don't use it. Next time, I will let people bring love back. There is only one pair of this thing and it must be properly kept."

Zhan Jiaer smiled as innocently as a child: "Okay, brother, rest assured, I will take care of it for you, and give it to you when you have a chance. By the way, tell you good news Ruan Mianmian's bad child hasn't appeared recently. If she doesn't come, no one will bully me. I'm really relieved. "

"..." Zhan Mo heard Zhan Jiaer's words and breathed slightly.

At this time, he should explain the situation of Ruan Mianmian to his sister, so that she can rest assured.

However, the words came to his lips, but he could not speak.

"Brother ... why didn't you talk? Wasn't Ruan Mianmian taken by you?"

Zhan Mo's silence scared Zhan Jiaer.

Did she guess wrong, Ruan Mianmian is all right?

Zhan Mo frowned lightly: "You know, I took her away."

Now that you know, why did you say that just now?

(End of this chapter)

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