Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1789: Taken away by police

Chapter 1789: Taken By The Police

In Zhan Mo's heart, he saw this video, and what felt most disappointed with Zhan Jiaer was not his sister's act of tempting herself, wearing a veil.

It wasn't like she hugged the man and tried to figure out what she was doing.

What he disappointed most was Zhan Jiaer's cowardly hypocrisy.

Yes, it is necessary to be upright, even if the means are cruel, even if they are disdainful by the world.

Those people, they don't care anymore, what if they don't care?

Ordinary people like ants cannot shake them at all.

This is Zhan Mo's self-confidence, and also Zhan Mo's pride.

What he did was what he did, and to do whatever he could to achieve his goal, this was the choice of the king to defeat the pirates.

However, Jiaer ... disappointed him.

She turned out to be like a mean, cowardly, and shameless villain, making up, distorting, and dare not to be taken.

She is obviously not a victim, but she can still make up a full set of lies, and she can cry with sadness and sadness, and make up a lie that Li Jun has treated, and he is obsessed with women.

Among them, the most indifferent to war is.

All this, she didn't tell him ...

She even deceived him.

"Brother, brother ... no, no ... I didn't ..."

At this moment, Zhan Jiaer was completely frightened.

When she stood there, watching the TV picture clearly appeared that night, all her actions.

Her whole body of blood seemed to be frozen, chilling through the bones, following the picture broadcast on the TV, coming out from the soles of the feet, and reaching the heart fossa along the spine.

She never thought that Li's home, Li Junyu's bedroom room, would have a monitor!

It was Li Junyu's bedroom.

There is no privacy at all in the room of the grand master Li Dajia, and there is even a monitor.

"No, brother ... that video is not right, that video was edited, they moved their hands and feet ..." Zhan Jiaer was awakened by Zhan Mo's cold eyes and deep voice.

She had no time to panic, no time to be annoyed, and she almost exhausted all her thoughts to justify herself.

Zhan Jiaer held her left heart with both hands, frowning deeply, letting tears fall down.

She stood there, helpless, crumbling, as if tormented by the pain in the left atrium, as if to fall down in the next second.

Seeing this kind of Zhan Jiaer, even if Zhan Mo was cold, but the disappointment in his eyes was covered by the habitual worries.

He was preparing to pass by, holding on to Zhan Jiaer, who looked pale, and was about to faint, and there was a sudden noise outside the door.

"Master, is a police officer at the General Police Department. They brought an arrest warrant. We can't stop it ..."

Zhan Mo's assistant Qi Sheng's words did not fall, and Police Officer Zhao who was in charge of the case came in with a team of policemen.

Police Officer Zhao opened the door and said: "The suspect Zhan Jiaer has been charged with many counts of fabricating facts, falsifying evidence, and falsely accusing others of arresting others. Ms. Zhan Jiaer is requested to cooperate with the police and return to the police station to assist the investigation.

The sublime warfare will stop it.

Police Officer Zhao said indifferently: "Mr. Zhan, this matter has been highly valued by the upper levels. You should know that it is not authorized above that we cannot enter the military compound smoothly. Please cooperate with our work, otherwise ... Miss Zhan went to It ’s more than a police station. ”

The foundation of the war desert is in the military.

If Zhan Jiaer is not interrogated by the police station, then she can only be handed over to the discipline department of the Ministry of Military Affairs, where the interrogation is more severe and the conditions are more difficult.

With this in mind, Zhan Mo ordered the decision to protect Zhan Jiaer be relaxed.

The police showed no mercy, and took away Zhan Jiaer, who was crying and crying.

[Complete the 9.20 update, see you tomorrow night ~ continue to smack tomorrow night]

I didn't hold on last night, I wrote the old manuscript and fell asleep, so I came back very late today and wrote late ~~ Wait a long time, why ~

(End of this chapter)

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