Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1802: Give me back

Chapter 1802: Give Me Back

Ruan Mengmeng didn't make nonsense, and immediately asked the housekeeper to find a microscope, and sliced ​​the white part exposed from the black pill.

Once again, I dripped the mirror oil with ease, and observed it with an oil microscope under a 100x microscope.

Sure enough, as Zhan Mo said, the white part of the black pill was full of dense eggs.

However, when Ruan Mengmeng observed carefully, the war desert on the side could not help but show a slight expression.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes and radiance when doing things seriously are completely different from Zhan Jia'er.

If Zhan Jiaer is a filigree flower that can only be attached to others, Ruan Mengmeng is more like a small tree that has been born in the sun.

Seeing such Ruan Mengmeng, the deep black pupil of Zhan Mo shrinks even more tightly.

"Meng Meng ..." He could not help calling her.

Ruan Mengmeng just looked up at this moment, and Shuirun's Xingmou looked at the war desert--

"It's full of eggs. What the **** is this?"

Her eyes were full of disgust and disgust, it was obvious that she hated this thing.

Zhan Mo's eyes shook and hesitated, because this sentence returned to cold.

He recovered his reason, his face sank, and said in a cold tone, "This is the cricket, and the cricket is more generally described as a parasite. What you see is another cricket. Love and this It ’s different, the feelings are bigger, and there is only one pair. "

There are many, many eggs in this ordinary black pill that can hardly be distinguished.

"So? Since you really like this kind of thing, why do you tell me?" Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were slightly raised, with a slight mockery.

"If this thing really makes my family Li Junyu fall in love with your baby sister, shouldn't you be happier?"

Zhan Mo's thin lips curled into a straight line, and she remained silent for two seconds before she said, "You're right, if I can help Jiaer, I won't regret the means. This feeling is for Jiaer."

"..." Ruan Mengmeng looked colder.

"But when I gave her affection, she was still in good health. You have also seen that cricket is a parasite, and that cricket has the ability to control the human heart. Now she has a hidden trouble in her heart, and sensation is no longer Suitable for her. "

When Zhan Mo is in love with Zhan Jiaer, it is actually the best time.

Unfortunately, Zhan Jiaer didn't need it for her self-esteem.

Now, when Zhan Mo wanted to find Zhan Jiaer to get back her love, she could no longer contact her.

Zhan Mo knew that when he was in the hospital, he did not agree to help her, did not take her out, and made her angry.

Ke Jiaer was wayward. He couldn't be wayward. Professor Maester's words were already clear.

Jiaer now has some signs of disease in her heart, and she must stay in bed.

Not to mention, the impact of such a powerful parasite entering her body on affection.

Ruan Mengmeng could not understand the meaning of Zhan Mo for a moment.

She chuckled: "Oh ... I see. No wonder you would let me go back so generously. Zhan Mo, are you afraid of your good younger sister, being played by this situation?"

The old weapon has become a burden now.

Zhan Jiaer stayed in Li Yuan as 'Ruan Mengmeng', and she carried that so-called 'love sentiment'. Zhan Mo couldn't get back to her, and she was afraid that Zhan Jiaer would take the 'love sentiment' and damage herself. body of.

In desperation, he could only send Ruan Mengmeng back.

For the real Ruan Mengmeng, replace the fake 'Ruan Mengmeng'.

"Okay, I agree to go back ..." Ruan Mengmeng swept off the usual style of fighting with Zhan Mo and nodded, "But I have a condition."

"Mian Mian, you return Mian Mian, as long as you let me go back with Mian Mian, I promise to send Zhan Jiaer back to you completely."

(End of this chapter)

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