Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1818: An accident happened

Chapter 1818: Accident

After the waiter changed the wine glass, he was suspicioned, and he carried the tray back to the rear.

And at this moment, Zhan Jiaer trembled with his right hand and found something out of her handbag.

She looked at Li Junyu aside and saw him staring like a torch, looking directly at Li Jinghui and Duan Mu'er, who were not far away, she was slightly relieved.

Okay ...

Jun Yu was looking elsewhere, not paying attention to her movements.

Zhan Jiaer went to the front desk while a couple of newcomers came to the front. The lights in the banquet hall were not turned on, and the surroundings were dark.

She reached out and pretended to hold the wine glass on the table.

Her wine glass was placed next to Li Junyu's wine glass, and she was very close.

At this moment, the eyes of others were either focused on a new couple, or because of the lack of light at the scene, she did not notice her actions.

While Zhan Jiaer held up the glass, she gently released the little finger of her right hand.

A very tiny black pill was accidentally dropped into Li Junyu's red wine glass.

As soon as the black pill was stained with red wine, it dissipated immediately.

The worm egg inside is so small that it cannot be discerned by the naked eye.

In this way, under the ignorance, Zhan Jiaer's easy yoke success.

She picked up her red wine glass and took it in her hand, shaking it gently, and while others were not aware of it, she talked about the "mother-in-law" in love and threw it into her glass.

Everything was ready, Zhan Jiaer's lips angled lightly, evoking a smile of innocence.

At this moment, the originally dark banquet hall suddenly turned on the lights, like daylight.

The lively wedding march came to an abrupt end.

Li Jinghui, who was already approaching the stage, was exasperated, and was very dissatisfied with the planning and overall arrangement of the wedding.

Even Duan Mu'er is the same.

Even in order to maintain the temperament of the famous door, you can't be angry, but the beautiful little face still passes by impatiently.

"Go see what's going on, how the lights and music go wrong ..."

"How do these wedding and public relations companies do things? It is not easy to do a little thing and it is very useless ..."

Shen Lan took the momentum of Mrs. Gui and said slightly displeasedly.

The voice she spoke was not small or small, just enough to be heard by the family at the table next door.

Originally this wedding reception, she said she would arrange the co-ordination.

Mrs. Duan refused to let it go. They said that their family Duan Mu'er had a low marriage, fearing that Li Jinghui's three-house brother could not take good care of Duan Muer's taste.

Therefore, the main arrangement and planning of the wedding was all about Mrs. Duan in Zhang Luo.

At this moment, Shen Lan saw her people and exchanged ‘forgetting love’ with Zhan Jiaer.

After that, she still had a trick to make Zhan Jiaer and her youngest son, Li Jingyao, cook mature rice.

It was the proudest moment of her life. In front of the Duan family, she couldn't help feeling proud.

However, when Shen Lan's two picky words just came out.

An unexpectedly sharp shout came suddenly from outside the gate of the ballroom.

"Li Jinghui, you can't marry her! I don't allow you to marry her!"

This is a female voice.

There is a strong hatred in the anger, and a heavy unwillingness in the resentment.

In addition, there are many complex emotions, almost all of which are filled with this heartbreaking roar.

Hearing this voice, Li Junyu sitting between the seats and Ruan Mengmeng on the other table looked at each other in unison.

The two slightly hooked their lips and their eyes were entangled.

Ruan Mengmeng: Awesome, the good show you arranged can finally be staged.

Li Junyu slightly bowed his head: Happy eating melon.

(End of this chapter)

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