Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1826: Love takes effect

Chapter 1826: Love Comes into Effect

The red wine with Zi Zi was finally drunk by Li Junyu under Zhan Jiaer's gaze.

"Jun Yu ..." Zhan Jiaer, who was sitting beside the man, stretched out his hand and gently pulled his sleeve.

Li Junyu looked around, there was no trace of temperature in the cold ink pupil.

"Anything?" The man's voice was always indifferent, and he moved his hand without a trace to avoid Zhan Jiaer's intimacy.

His attitude was as cold as ever, just like the alienation these days.

Obviously, it is not useful to drink 蛊 子 蛊.

Seeing this, Zhan Jia'er was not angry, and her lips gently said, "It's all right, I just want to call you."

Li Jun Yu Mo's eyebrow was cold, and glanced at her, then he retracted his gaze.

Facing Li Junyu's cold treatment, Zhan Jiaer stretched her slender fingers to pinch the cup feet.

She picked up the wine glass, coveted Li Junyu's indifferent and handsome side face, and then drank the red wine in her glass.

This is the first time Zhan Jiaer drank so much alcohol.

She has a heart condition and cannot drink too much alcohol. Occasionally, it may also make her heart uncomfortable.

But now, she was drinking willingly, and she was drinking very briskly.

Fortunately, there is not much wine in the goblet. The wine is exquisite, and only a light layer of wine-red liquid is gathered at the bottom of the glass.

When she brought the red liquid of "Mother-in-law" down Zhan Jiaer's throat down the esophagus, and then entered the stomach.

She felt a strange glow in her body.

This heat is the feeling that her cold body has never been useful for a long time due to insufficient blood supply to her body.

Such a wonderful feeling makes Zhan Jiaer feel joy and expectation.

"Jun Yu ..." Zhan Jiaer softened his voice again, calling Li Junyu softly.

The slippery sensation in the throat caused by the transit of red wine contrasts strongly with the burning of the stomach.

The man heard the sound and looked back again.

But, unlike the indifference just now, he looked at her first, and gradually deepened.

Finally, the ink colors in those pupils converged, creating an unprecedented glow.

"Meng, Meng ..." Li Junyu said softly to the person around him.

His voice didn't change much, but Zhan Jia'er was sensitive to the changes in his tone.

No longer indifferent, but with a tender affection.

Moreover, Li Junyu's voice apparently brought a kind of dullness, as if it was controlled by the nerves and the response was slowed by half a second.

It must be emotions, it is the energy of emotions that works!

Zhan Jiaer's eyes were slightly bright, this time he took the hand of Li Junyu actively.

Her fingers grabbed his wide palm, and something unexpected happened to her—

In the past, it was obvious that Li Junyu, who had disliked 'Ruan Mengmeng', had not shaken her hand at all this time.

He still looked at him with a burning gaze, and allowed her to grab his wide palm.

This change pleased Zhan Jiaer, she couldn't even believe her eyes.

Love 蛊 ... Love 蛊 really works like this.

Li Junyu was caught by her!

"Jun Yu ..." Zhan Jiaer's throat was slightly dumb, with a little excitement. She was excited for a moment, and almost didn't know what to say.

"Meng, Meng ..." The man responded again with a gentle voice, like a robot.

When she called him, he responded.

She called him 'Jun Yu' and he looked at her affectionately and called her 'Meng Meng'.

No, this is not what Zhan Jiaer wants.

Although she wanted Li Junyu to see herself, she didn't want him to see this fake self!

However, Zhan Jiaer did not dare to open his mask in public.

Because in the eyes of others, the real Zhan Jiaer was still controlled by the procuratorate in the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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