Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1828: Give it back to her

Chapter 1828: Give It Back To Her

Ruan Mengmeng had tears in her eyes, but she stiffened and did not fall.

Her eyes were filled with hate, determination, and complete disappointment.

However, she was disappointed with Zhan Mo, but he did not expect that he would finally reach this point.

Also, from the time he walked for Zhan Jia'er, she should know who Zhan Mo is.

He may have some different affection for her in the relationship these days, but ... in the eyes of this man, the most important thing is always his good sister.

"Jun Yu's look at Zhan Jia'er's eyes can't fool people. That's the look he used to look at me. Zhan Mo, you won, not only did you take away the only thoughts my sister left me, but also made me lose Beloved ... I ... I have nothing ... "

Ruan Mengmen dropped her head and never wanted to see the man in front of her anymore.

The moment she bowed her head, Zhan Mo saw that there were crystal tears falling from her eyes.

Even crying, don't want to cry in front of him, how much hate him.

Zhan Mo's heart twitched, and the inexplicable anxiety that came when Ruan Mianmian was taken away came out again.

Constantly zooming in on his empty heart, zooming in and out, as if telling him that he is about to lose something important.

The surrounding area is still staggered and lively.

But between Zhan Mo and Ruan Mengmeng, it was already indifferent.

Finally, after a fierce struggle, Zhan Mo suddenly stretched out five fingers and touched the arm in front of him lightly.

"... Ruan Mianmian, I ... give her back to you ..." He spoke hard, his voice mute.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes with her head down tightened momentarily. It's great, she really did not gamble.

The woman raised her eyes, her face was ordinary, but those apricot eyes that had just cried were glowing with water: "Do you really mean it? Or is it your conspiracy?"

Seeing the suspicion in Ruan Mengmeng's eyes, the frustration in Zhan Mo's heart was even worse.

He really hurt her so deeply that she would be full of doubts and defenses at this time.

Zhan Mo: "Jiaer's heart can still be maintained with drugs. She has got what she wants most. Jiaer's temperament is simple and she always feels sorry for you. I explained to her that I would return Ruan Mianmian to you, she Will not refuse. "

She gave Jiaer the man she always wanted, but her husband was taken away.

As a compensation for Meng Meng, Zhan Mo had decided to return Ruan Mianmian to her.

Ruan Mengmeng wanted to laugh when she heard Zhan Mo's words.

Sure enough, love is blind. This love is not only between lovers, but also parents and brothers.

Now, Zhan Mo still thinks Zhan Jiaer is simple, and even thinks Zhan Jiaer is ashamed of her?

If Ruan Mengmeng was not to maintain her current “sad sadness”, she would really like to say a few words of sarcasm.

However, she could only move her eyebrows and said sadly, "Since this is the case, then tell me where I am now ... I want to see Mian Mian, I miss her."

Zhan Mo's eyes faded, and he reported the address of Ruan Mianmian, who was under house arrest.

Hearing this address, Ruan Mengmeng was slightly relieved.

It seems that Zhan Mo did not lie to her, and he did not abuse him.

This address is the well-known villa district of the city of S, at least in terms of materiality.

Zhan Mo saw Ruan Mengmeng's eyebrows, afraid of her misunderstanding, and explained: "I arranged a special person to take care of Ruan Mianmian, everyone in the villa thought she was my daughter. Everyone treats her like a thousand daughters, never Will take her lightly. "

However, just after this sentence, there was a commotion from the opposite table.

(End of this chapter)

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