Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1832: Brothers and sisters, you ca n’t escape either

Chapter 1832 Brothers and Sisters, You Cannot Escape

Zhan Mo looked at Zhan Jiaer's pupils a little bit, but sucking, her complexion had changed from pale to bruising, and even her breathing stopped gradually.

In this case, Zhan Mo has seen it too many times.

There have been countless times when he hugged Zhan Jiaer and sent him to the rescue, which was a symptom after a heart attack.

Zhan Mo quickly poured out quick-acting first-aid medicines from the medicine bottle he carried with him. Although Jiaer's body has improved in the past two years, no more first-aid medicines are needed.

But as an older brother, Zhan Mo kept this medicine with him.

Feeding the medicine into Zhan Jiaer's mouth, her purple face gradually turned pale, and then slowly weakened into a weak and pale.

At this moment, Zhan Jiaer had fainted and was lying unconsciously in the arms of Zhan Mo.

"This gentleman, Ms. Zhan Jiaer has been arrested by the prosecution for a criminal false accusation. She is here now and is an escape from the guard without authorization. We must take her back to the police station for investigation. Please give her to the police. . "

Two police officers stepped out from behind the crowd and stopped behind Zhan Mo, the official said.

Zhan Mo, holding Zhan Jiaer half-knelt on the ground, did not look up. He just hugged Zhan Jiaer.

"She had a heart attack and had to go to the hospital." The man's voice was low and deep, listening to people's ears, as piercing as ice.

Two police officers circled to the side to observe Zhan Jiaer's condition.

Seeing that she was in a coma, she looked as usual, but a little pale.

One of them said, "Mr. Zhan, please cooperate with the police. Ms. Zhan Jiaer has fled the detention center without permission, and we can no longer let her out. If you want to seek medical treatment, you will be treated in the detention center."

How exactly did Zhan Jiaer escape from the prosecutor's office without being found? After looking at the layer of skin she just ripped off from her face, the police already knew.

Maybe come again, let Zhan Jiaer run under their eyes.

This time, the police said nothing would be said.

Zhan looked up indifferently, looking at the two police officers who were biting Jiaer.

His eyes were deep, cold and daunting.

One of the young police officers hesitated for a moment, but the other older police officer was not afraid.

He said without fear: "Mr. Zhan, we are just business affairs, please cooperate with us."

"Official business? Oh, if my sister has any shortcomings, can you afford it!"

"They can't afford the responsibility, I'm here." At this moment, Li Junyu, who had been watching the show, stood in front of the two police officers.

Zhan Mo's expression was cold and his eyes were cold.

He was colder and colder than Zhan Mo's face, his eyes were dark and deep.

Li Junyu looked down at the man holding Zhan Jiaer, looking coldly: "Zhan Jiaer needs treatment. I can ask the best cardiologist in country S to go to the police station to accompany her, and I will not let her die so easily In the police station.

But before that, I have one more complaint. You, Zhan Mo, kidnapped my wife. She, Zhan Jiaer, concealed her identity and approached me pretending to be my wife.

People who are called to the police station for crimes, not only Zhan Jiaer, but you, Zhan Mo.

None of you, brother or sister, can escape. "

If Li Junyu, wake up everyone present.

Yes, the original Ruan Mengmeng has become Zhan Jiaer. The real Ruan Mengmeng must be replaced by Zhan Jiaer.

Thinking of the case of "The Lost Girl Doing Case", Zhan Jiaer showed covetousness towards Li Junyu.

She made the kidnapping of Ruan Mengmeng, which made perfect sense.

Zhan Mo looked up coldly: "Do you think the police will believe that you can catch me if you say so?"

(End of this chapter)

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