Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1846: The choice of war desert (5)

Chapter 1846: War Desert's Choice (5)

"But ..." Ruan Mengmeng's voice didn't fall, and the phone rang suddenly.

It has been a while since her cell phone left her side, and she just got it when she returned to Liyuan.

Before leaving, the mobile phone opened a Weibo private message reminder, but after returning, he kept forgetting to turn it off.

Now turn on the phone, and one after another private messages pop up.

Annoyed by the voice of Weibo's private message, Ruan Mengmeng picked up the phone and wanted to shut down.

However, the contents of a private message on the screen showed her a glance.

"Jun Yu, you ... look at this ..." Ruan Mengmeng quickly opened the screen and clicked into Weibo.

In the private message area, a strange account sent her several text messages.

"Someone here sent me a private message saying that Zhan Mo and Zhan Jiaer ran away by boat, on the high seas ... And, this person said that Zhan Jiaer's condition relapsed and his life was soon lost.

When Duan Muer sent this message, he did not know the relationship between Zhan Mo and Ruan Mengmeng, and he did not know anything about Ruan Mianmian.

She just felt that Ruan Mengmeng definitely hated Zhan Jiaer. If Ruan Mengmeng knew that Zhan Jiaer would not live long, she and Li would definitely try to prevent the Zhanjia from saving people.

It's better to kill Zhan Jiaer.

As long as Zhan Jiaer is dead, she and Duan Yier will not suffer.

"This person also said that in order to save Zhan'er, he must find a suitable heart. If he doesn't have a heart, he needs to use his bone marrow to continue his life ... You said, is it because of this that Zhan Mo just talked and took away ? "

Zhan Mo released her, and it was not easy to catch her again.

Therefore, he must take away Mian Mian, because there are few Mian Mian suitable for Zhan Jiaer.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mengmeng held Li Junyu's hand tighter.

She was scared and didn't dare to think about it. She could almost see crying with her eyes closed.

So small, how would it be treated in the cold-blooded cruel man?

When Zhan Jiaer is not in danger of life, and only needs to be supported by drugs, Zhan Mo can ignore his life and death without authorization.

By now, when Zhan Jiaer's life is soon to die, he will certainly be more unscrupulous in extracting the continuous bone marrow.

"Jun Yu, I want to save Mian Mian!" Too late to think about it, Ruan Mengmeng said.

The man constrained his eyebrows: "How do you save? If it's in their hands, they can't easily hand it over."

"I know." Ruan Mengmeng nodded. "So, I still use the old method and exchange."

"Exchange?" Li Junyu's cold pupils covered the heavy frost. "What exchange would you use?"

"If what this person is saying is true, the warriors are now ready to kill Red Eye. They have to save Zhaner, and the only chance in this world is you and your sister's heart. Your sister is in their eyes It's dead, so the remaining hope is you. Meng Meng, I don't allow you to change for yourself. "

At this moment, Li Junyu suddenly understood the feeling of war desert.

They are selfish when facing the only person they care about.

Mianmian is pathetic, innocent, and regretful.

However, if Mengmeng was to be exchanged, he Lijunyu disagrees first.

No one will agree with me.

Parents, brothers, children, in this world, if you have to make a choice, he only chooses Ruan Mengmeng.

"You ... you don't like this, I'll be fine." Ruan Mengmeng was very distressed to see the killing spirit rising from the dark and deep eyes of her tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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