Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1856: Would love to hug you

Chapter 1856: I Want To Hug You

Zhan Yang came step by step until he stood in front of Ruan Mengmeng. The tall and erect figure contrasted with Ruan Mengmeng's petiteness.

He lowered his head, his dark eyes staring at her, as if to paint something on her small white face.

Ruan Mengmeng looked up at Zhanyang slightly guardedly.

She felt an invisible coercion and shrouded from Zhan Yang.

Even before that, Ruan Mengmeng has seen many prominent figures.

But it is undeniable that the inherent indifference and nobility of Zhan Yang is more impressive than anyone she has ever met, and it is difficult to fight.

She narrowed her eyes and asked, "What on earth do you want?"

Although Zhan Yang's performance was completely different from what she expected.

But Ruan Mengmeng is not a fool. Even though Zhan Yang gave Zhan Mo the slap to shock her, he did not let her put down her guard completely.

Different from Ruan Mengmeng's full of defense.

Hearing her words of vigilance, she looked down at her middle-aged man, thin lips up, evoking a bitter smile.

"Meng Meng, I'm Zhan Yang ... your father."

He just wanted to come over and introduce himself.

"As far as I know, Zhan Yang is dead," Ruan Mengmeng said indifferently, "and my father is not you, my father is ... yes ... anyway, it is not you."

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng suddenly discovered that she couldn't even tell who his father was.

If it had been before, she would have no hesitation in saying the name of Ruan Zhaotian.

But after knowing the truth of that year, she could no longer admit Ruan Zhaotian's father.

The reason why she still has the Nguyen surname is only to commemorate the death of the old father, and because she hates the surname 'Zhan' more than 'Ruan'.

Zhan Yang seemed to be hurt by Ruan Mengmeng's words, and her lonely eyes darkened.

"Yes, you're right, Zhan Yang is dead ... I'm Zhan Bo. I'm the current CEO of Beacon Group. Mengmeng, welcome to Country M, I ... I've always wanted to meet you.

Then, before Ruan Mengmeng responded, Zhan Yang opened her arms and hugged her.

His slender arms circled Ruan Mengmeng and carefully avoided squeezing her belly.

Ruan Mengmeng was full of Zhan Yang without any preparation.

At that moment, because of her dislike for this man, she instinctively wanted to break free.

But Zhan Yang had a lot of strength. Without hurting her, she pressed her hard against her chest.

Zhan Yang's embrace is broad and powerful, even with a warmth that makes Ruan Mengmeng's heart irresistible.

Is this ... the arms of my father?

Ruan Mengmeng had a strange idea in her heart.

She immediately annihilated the thought that shouldn't be there. Ruan Mengmeng clenched her teeth in Zhan Yang's arms: "Let me go, who allows you to do this!"

"Sorry, I just ... didn't hold back for a while. I ... always wanted to hug you ..." Zhan Yang's low voice came from her ears, and Ruan Mengmeng even heard the husky trembling in his throat.

Not right, not right, everything is too wrong.

This man and the materials show exactly the same appearance and temperament.


His attitude towards her was completely unexpected by Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Mengmeng's expression was faint and he was upset and wondering how to sort everything out.

Zhan Yang has hugged her horizontally.

Ruan Mengmeng :! !! !!

Zhan Yang directly carried her into the car.

"Meng Meng, Dad takes you home ... Rest assured, from now on, I won't let anyone hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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