Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1870: Are you nervous about this cufflink?

Chapter 1870 Are You Nervous About This Cufflink?

Just then, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

Ruan Mengmeng directly damaged the door and came in.

Because fearless and easy to search, she didn't even turn off the lights.

The study door wasn't locked from the inside at the moment, and the light leaked through the cover of the study door so that people in the corridor could easily find someone in the room.

Ruan Mengmeng quickly put away the diamond cufflinks and put the brocade box.

It was too late to restore the authorities, and the door had been pushed open from the outside.

"Meng Meng, you ..." The comer's voice was low and hoarse, and he saw a slight stature when he saw Ruan Meng Meng, but approached the next moment.

Zhan Yang's tall and tall figure shrouded the petite pregnant woman standing next to the bookcase, but instead of paying attention to Ruan Mengmeng, he reached out without any hesitation to pick up the black box on the bookcase and quickly opened it.

Zhan Yang moves very quickly, and a pair of bottomless black eyes are tightly locked in a black brocade box.

Ruan Mengmeng raised his head slightly, seeing that his eyes were complicated and forbearing, and he seemed to be a little excited, which was difficult to understand.

The small black brocade box opened, empty, and the diamond cufflinks that had been lying inside were gone.

Zhan Yang's expression was faint, his eyebrows froze together, and the next moment he looked at Ruan Mengmeng, "You have the cufflinks inside."

It is not a question but a statement, and the situation at the scene is clear at a glance.

Obviously, the person who touched the institution was Ruan Mengmeng.

"That's right, I took it. Why, are you nervous about this cufflink? You also hid it in a small box." Ruan Mengmeng passed a hint of sarcasm.

"This cufflink is inlaid with a huge diamond of great value on the front and a yang engraved on the back. This extravagant style is only loved by the Duan family in the whole S country. Zhan Yang married his daughter, It is also infected with extravagance. I have seen an old photo of Zhanyang cufflinks with such a pair of cufflinks. "

Ruan Mengmeng said calmly and asked, "This is your thing, it should be a pair. Why is there only one left in this brocade box?"

Zhan Yang's eyes sank: "..."

Ruan Mengmeng sneered: "You can't answer it, okay, let me tell you. Because another cufflink fell into her hands when you committed a crime against my mother. Zhan Yang, I I do n’t know why you are here today, and you still have this cufflink on your face. But I tell you, it is evidence of a crime and the best witness to the crime you committed! "

"Yes, you are right, it is indeed a testimony of my crime." Zhan Yang suddenly answered, his voice was dumb, "But it is not only a testimony of those crimes ... Also, I once loved a woman The testimony is the testimony of my sacrifice of my feelings, and it is ... the only thing I can leave, I miss. "

Ruan Mengmeng frowned: "What did you say?"

"I said, the reason this cufflink is stored in this small box by me is deliberately stored. It is because ... it is the only thing I can leave, and finally think about ..."

When Zhan Yang said this, his tone was slightly paused, and there was an unspeakable sadness in his dark eyes.

Inexplicably, when looking at Zhan Yang's eyes, Ruan Mengmeng only felt his throat tight, as if there were many emotions blocking his chest.

"You ..." She heard her voice, with a doubt, with a trembling, it rang softly.

Zhan Yang's angular face fluttered with complex emotions, and he looked down and sighed: "Meng Meng ... would you like to listen to a story, this is one, I have no courage to recall the story again."

(End of this chapter)

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