Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1875: Zhan Yang's Story (2)

Chapter 1875: Zhan Yang's Story (2)

"The puppets of the Qing people's remaining evils on me are very domineering and strange. Even if I have found countless doctors and even found medical authority, they can only be relieved and cannot be cured.

For almost four years, my temper became more and more irritable, my temperament became arrogant and perverse, and even ... I even had and had a strong demand for women. If every woman is relieved every few days, the qi and blood in my body will become frantic, and I will even break through the blood vessels and burst into discomfort.

Even more, it was not just a change in temperament, but even reason also left me alone. In the fourth year of the roundworm's body, I almost rarely wake up, when Xiuhui took care of me. But then, Xiuhui became pregnant ... my condition became more and more serious.

Later, without my knowledge, Xiuhui thought of Qingzhi, who had a night with me four years ago. Xiuhui didn't know that Qingzhi was a woman I loved. She used some means to get Qingzhi to Duan's house, and I ... under the condition of losing my mind, it took Qingzhi three months to treat her as pain relief. Antidote. "

Speaking of this, Zhan Yang has been extremely painful.

He clenched his teeth and held his forehead by hand, making it difficult to hide his regrets.

Even the blue tendon on the forehead was squeezed out.

Ruan Mengmeng was just feeling a shock at the moment. She had pitiful mother, everything she had encountered, and she didn't know how to face Zhan Yang.

Such a complicated experience, so difficult to guess the past.

The Qing people harm civilians, and Zhan Yang leads the team to annihilate. Is he bad? Of course not bad, he did this to help ordinary people.

But when he was poisoned by poison, he still did many wrong things cruelly.

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help but guess, Grandpa once said that those wrongs committed by Zhan Yangyang Fengyin were concentrated in the years he was controlled by poison.

Are these maggots turning the once-righteous man into a petty, self-interested villain?

It's hard to tell what kind of feeling is in my heart. Ruan Mengmeng only feels that the dullness in her chest is full of muddy gas, and I don't know where to vent it.

She took a deep breath and slowly said, "What happened then? After four years of poisoning, it is difficult to alleviate the poison, and it is even getting heavier. Why was my mother kept off for three months, but suddenly my conscience found that she was released? ? "

My mother once said that Grandpa Ruan had come to Duan's house in person after learning about the situation.

Do not hesitate to offend Duan's family, and fight for that old life, but also take his mother away.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was born in Ruan's family, did not know about Duan family who really had great power.

But now in retrospect, in fact Grandpa Ruan was forced to die, and the Duan family may not be able to relax.

Therefore, unless it is Zhan Yang who is willing to let go of her mother.

Otherwise, Grandpa Ruan couldn't take her away.

Zhan Yang closed her eyes and said, "Because ... after four years, my men finally found the sacrifice of the Qing people. The Qing people fed the crickets with their body, and with his fufa, the maggots in my body finally came. Perish. "

"On the night of the death of the Qing ethnic group, I suddenly replied to Qingming for a few years. That night, when I woke up, your mother slept beside me. She turned her back on me, and I saw her naked. The back and snow-white arms were all traces of bruises ... she seemed very scared, even frowning in her sleep, her face was covered with wet tears, and it was difficult to sleep. "

(End of this chapter)

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