Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1886: Find Tyrant Tricks

Chapter 1886: Finding Tyrant Tricks

After Li Junyu was finally soothed by Ruan Mengmeng, she sat next to Ruan Mengmeng and patted her lightly.

This is to talk about business, but also for this rare time.

The man carefully urged: "Every week after that, you will tell Zhan Yang that you need a checkup. I will meet you here when the time comes."

Ruan Mengmeng: "I have to have a checkup every week? Is it too frequent? It is doubtful ... what if he doesn't agree?"

Li Junyu's slender fingers rubbed her head: "He wants to play a loving father, how dare you disagree with your reasonable request. The three stink boys in your stomach are still useful at this time. You tell Zhan Yang, this is the triplet. You do n’t worry, so you have to go to the hospital for a weekly check-up. This is a hospital sponsored by the Beacon Group, and he will not doubt it. ”

Li Junyu's words reassure Ruan Mengmeng, but ...

She frowned slightly: "You say Zhan Yang is playing a loving father, are you suspecting that everything he said is false?"

"I don't know if it's true yet." Li Junyu's face was slightly cold, in fact, it was his instinct that did not like Zhan Yang.

In other words, he doesn't like anyone who affects her and makes her look different.

Whether father or son.

"But it's not difficult to know the truth. Feelings can be adulterated, but share transfers can't be faked. Whether Zhan Yang is lying to you or really loving you depends on his next move."

The Beacon Group controlled the economic lifeline of country M. It was the largest consortium in country M and the fruit of Zhanyang's life.

Zhan Yang, in his private capacity, holds 51% of the shares of Beacon Group, and at the same time, he serves as the chief executive officer of Beacon Group with the business card.

It can be said that the entire Beacon Group is in his hands, he is the absolute king of the entire Beacon Group.

How can a person who is used to the king be willing to cut his own power?

Unless, he met someone who wanted to give it wholeheartedly.

Ruan Mengmeng is like that to Li Junyu, so Li Dashao would rather give up everything and give away the business empire he built, and also marry her.

Similarly, if Zhan Yang is really willing to send 31% of the shares to Ruan Mengmeng, at least it shows that in his mind, this daughter is extremely important.

His status goes far beyond his years of hard work, as well as his brothers and sisters Zhan Mo and Zhan Jiaer.

Ruan Mengmeng heard Li Junyu's words, his eyes were dimmed: "Transferring shares is not so easy. Zhan Yang said that he needs some time to prepare, and he will also hold a press conference. Actually ... I think he may be doing What's holding off, maybe I think too much. Husband ... I'm a little confused now, I don't want to believe him, but I'm afraid he really gave me shares. "

For Zhan Yang, Ruan Mengmeng was not ready to accept his thoughts.

If everything Zhan Yang said is true and she really transferred all the shares to her, would she accept this biological father? !!

At first glance, Li Junyu saw the anxiety and panic under Ruan Mengmeng's eyes. His little milk cat is now much more mature and has long been capable of acting alone.

But no matter how mature, in front of the flesh and blood relatives, it will inadvertently reveal such a soft side.

However, Li Junyu's favorite is her softness.

He was willing to see her grow up, but he also liked her raising her eyes helplessly and staring nervously at him.

(End of this chapter)

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