Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1901: Strange man, familiar feeling

Chapter 1901 Strange Man, Feeling Familiar

The tall and gentle beautiful man turned to open the door, facing the face of Zhan Qingze's expressionless face, his lips still smiled.

He took in the items sent by Zhan Qingze, counted them one by one, and closed the door after confirming them.

Kitton turned back, holding several gift boxes in his hands.

"Here are all the costumes and accessories required for the banquet. I also specially sent them cosmetics for pregnant women. Now ... my master, please allow me to change your clothes."

After all, Ruan Mengmeng saw Chitton holding out a light pink maxi skirt from one of the gift boxes, and unzipped the back.

Seeing that posture seemed to be the same for her.

Ruan Mengmeng was frightened by Chitton's attentive behavior. She quickly got up and took over the dress. "No, I'll change it myself. I don't need your help."

"Master, it's an honor for Chiton to work for you. Chilton is willing to do anything for the master, as long as the master needs ..."

"Stop!" Ruan Mengmeng intercepted his words, "Listen to Chitton, I don't care what Zhan Yang or anyone else said to you before, but here I am, since you take me as your master, listen to me if.

I'm not joking with you right now, don't lean too close to me, and don't have close skin contact with me, especially things like changing clothes, understand? "

If he didn't understand, she would rather not have this so-called powerful assistant.

Qidun's eyes were slightly dark, and she didn't understand why Ruan Mengmeng refused herself, and she also showed aggrieved expression.

Ruan Mengmeng is speechless. I really don't know why such men are valued by Zhan Yang, Duan Xiuhui and Zhan Jiaer.

"You're waiting outside, I'll go in and change my clothes." Ruan Mengmeng said, ignoring Qidun, and took the dress into the cloakroom.

Seeing the back of Ruan Mengmeng's bulging door closing, the gentle smile on the corner of the man's lips was gradually solidified.

His little master is really cute.

Qidun's deep eyes gradually gathered the dark gloom of interest.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't come out for nearly twenty minutes after entering the cloakroom.

Kitton finally opened the door by himself after several urgings.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, Ruan Mengmeng suddenly turned back: "How did you come in!"

She had a big belly and was not as flexible as before. The light pink ankle skirt extended to the hips.

Ruan Mengmeng backhandedly, she could only pull the zipper from her hips to her back.

Further up, she couldn't reach it.

But there were only her and Chitton in the room, and she had a large exposed skin on her back. Of course, Chitton was a man and could not let him help.

"You can go out ... I can do it myself." Ruan Mengmeng saw Keeton approaching and hurried away.

She grabbed the dress that might fall because she hadn't pulled the zipper, and picked up the side ornaments in one hand and smashed it in the direction of Kitton.

When throwing things, Ruan Mengmeng didn't think so much, just taking care of her revealing behind her back, trying to drive Kidton away.

However, the scene that surprised her happened.

Kitton not only steadily took the ornaments she threw away, but also strode forward, easily reaching for her in her arms.

The man's knuckle fingers pinched the zipper on the back of her dress.

"Stab--" The sound of the zipper being pulled came from behind.

When Qidun pulled the zipper for Ruan Mengmeng, his cool knuckles rubbed her smooth back skin, giving a wonderful touch.

"You ..." At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng trembled a little, and a familiar feeling surged up.

"Master, what's the matter?" Qidun's magnetic soft voice came from behind her, and the gentle breath of the man was blowing in Ruan Mengmeng's ears, making her ears soft.

"No, no." Ruan Mengmeng felt that her heartbeat had missed a beat, that's not right, this feeling is so wrong.

She quickly shook her head, covering her heart and retracted: "The zipper has been pulled, you can go out."

The situation is far beyond what Ruan Mengmeng expected, but Qidun seems not to be prepared to do as Ruan Mengmeng said.

The man suddenly approached, bending over to hug Ruan Mengmeng who was frightened.

[Beyond 1200 words: 10.18 update completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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