Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1905: Stunning

Chapter 1905 Stunning

"Mrs. Thank you for thinking about us, but ... the child is innocent, after all, the wrong person is her mother, not her." Duan Xiuhui pursed her lips, her eyes hesitated.

In fact, all this was designed by her intentionally.

You should know that Duan Xiuhui personally convened this afternoon tea party. All the invitation lists were drawn up by her, and who and what kind of personality would be present at Duan Xiuhui.

She deliberately invited the solemnists who hated romantic affairs the most among the celebrities in the M country.

Among them, important persons who have business dealings with the Beacon Group are arranged beside themselves.

The reason why Duan Xiuhui was able to sit firmly next to Zhan Yang was the identity of the most noble hostess, and it was not only her daughter's identity.

Duan Xiuhui's best is always to match her ambitions.

Mrs. Kensington's graceful face showed a bit of grimace: "It is indeed her mother who is wrong, but the girl is not a good stubble. If she is really an honest child, she should know that the original match and the original match are not allowed. The child is in trouble. You and Jiaer are here, but she comes to your door and lives in your house. So, where do you place your mother and daughter? "

"Huh, I've seen so many children of this kind."

The half-sister of her family, that's not the case, lived in the house pretending to be poor, winning the favor of his father.

Sure enough, no matter whether it is an Easterner or a Westerner, there will never be a lack of equally stupid father and a conscientious little mother and daughter.

Mrs. Kensington raised her chin, revealing the pride that is unique to the political family: "You can ask her to come down. I want to see Mr. Zhan Bo's eyes ... Hope, he is a illegitimate daughter who loves so much. Let us all down. "

As soon as the voice fell, a noise came from the stairs on the second floor.

"Ms. Mengmeng, here." A cold male voice came from the stairs.

Everyone heard the sound and looked up. What they saw was the wooden man Zhan Qingze, who was often with Zhan Bo, standing on the stairs.

Lien Chan Kiyosawa was placed beside the illegitimate daughter by War Thin! ?

The celebrities and powers of the M country naturally know what kind of character Qing Qingze, who is next to the Beacon Group, is following.

However, such outstanding subordinates were even given to the illegitimate daughter by the war books, which could not help making everyone more chilling.

It seems that the weight of the illegitimate daughter in Zhan Bo's heart is more than that of his biological daughter Zhan Jiaer, who is afraid that even his son Zhan Mo will stand aside.

Seeing Zhan Qingze, everyone became more curious about the illegitimate daughter.

Especially Mrs. Kensington, she had unconsciously raised her chin and looked towards the stairway. She wanted to see what kind of ambitious girl was, and she could be confused by the convincing President of the Fiberhome Group.

In the eyes of everyone's "expectation", a pregnant woman wearing a light pink ankle long dress led an attractive, gentle and gentle man downstairs.

Although Ruan Mengmeng is a pregnant woman with a big belly, she can't pull down her face value at all.

Her long hair was arbitrarily held in the back of her head. Because of her pregnancy, her whole body exuded a lazy and **** femininity.

Her slender white neck was revealed, and her beautiful swan neck and collarbone were not wearing any accessories, but still noticeable.

Not to mention her pair of apricot eyes that seem to talk like water, the eyelashes are curled up, and the slight fanning is as bright as the light hiding the stars.

When she stood on the stairs and looked downstairs with a smile, Honey Lip Pear Vortex could almost drown someone in that sweet smile.

The pink ankle long skirt made her a younger girl.

Obviously she is pregnant with a big belly and a baby, but at this moment ... When Ruan Mengmeng appeared in the eyes of everyone, everyone's concern was not her bulging belly, but the sweet youthful beauty tender.

"She ... she is ... her meng, meng, ruan!" There were already guests in the crowd who couldn't help covering their mouths and pumping up.

"It's her, it's ruan!"

"OMG, what did I see ... my god, she is really meng, meng, ruan!"

[Beyond 1200 words: Updated on October 19th. See you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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