Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1915: Don't lie to me

Chapter 1915: Don't Lie Me Anymore

"..." Zhan Mo was silent, not to see Zhan Jiaer's tearful eyes.

He knew that he had failed his sister, from Ruan Mengmeng's heart, to concede to Ruan Mianmian's bone marrow.

Even now, even Ruan Mianmian's bone marrow, he can't let go.

Zhan Mo said gravely: "I'm already looking for donors, many of the M countries are willing to donate bone marrow ..."

"I don't, I don't, I just want Ruan Mianmian and Ruan Mengmeng to lose my life!" Zhan Jia'er didn't listen to Zhan Mo's words, she hated Ruan Mianmian, she hated Ruan Mengmeng, as long as she could make her hate disappear It doesn't matter.

The sick girl grabbed the laptop in front of Zhan Mo, closed the screen, and held the laptop in her hand.

"Jiaer, what are you doing, put down!" Zhan Mo, who was hesitant in appearance, saw Zhan Jia snatching the computer, and stood up behind the desk with a sullen expression of anger.

Zhan Jiaer backed up holding the computer: "I ... I don't let go. You have to help Ruan Mengmeng, you have to help Ruan Mianmian, I ... I won't let you succeed. Brother, don't forget me Your only sister is your loved one. You can't just watch me die for them. "

Zhan Jiaer's eyes have long been blinded by fear and jealousy.

She was afraid that she would die soon, and she also hated Ruan Mengmeng's return to the Ruan family, having everything that should have belonged to her.

Seeing Zhan Mo approaching step by step, she was about to steal the computer from her. Zhan Jiaer raised her notebook and fell to the ground.

"Pop-" The loud noise caught the attention of the servants downstairs.

After a while, Duan Xiuhui just heard the news.

"What's going on? What are your brothers and sisters doing upstairs ..." Duan Xiuhui just finished sending the guests, with a rare sense of exhaustion on her face that did not belong to her.

Ruan Mengmeng revealed the identity of Zhan Jiaer's wanted criminal in person and hit Duan Xiuhui's surprise.

Even if afterwards she could wipe out this humiliating identity for Zhan Jiaer through the Duan family, but the impact of this incident has been difficult to smooth.

"Mom ..." When Zhan Xiuhui came in, Zhan Jiaer cried and threw her arms into her arms. "Brother, brother is looking for Ruan Mianmian's information ... He's looking through your computer and trying to save Ruan Mianmian."

After waiting for Zhan Mo to speak, Zhan Jiaer was crying.

Seeing his most beloved sister telling his mother without hesitation, Zhan Mo's cold face became even more gloomy.

"Zhan Mo, is it true that Jiaer said!" Duan Xiuhui hugged Zhan Jiaer, glaring at Zhan Mo.

Her son, her best son, even helped Ruan Mengmeng that little bitch, even now he has to manage an irrelevant child.

"Yes." Zhan Mo nodded, looking directly at Duan Xiuhui's angry eyes. "I'm looking for Ruan Mianmian's information, so Mom, tell me the address where she was detained."

"Impossible!" Duan Xiuhui rejected Zhan Mo angrily and resolutely. "Ruan Mianmian is the only way to restrain Ruan Mengmeng, and is also a good medicine for Jiaer to cure and save lives. Zhan Mo, don't forget, your sister is still alive. Suffering from a heart attack, the shares of the company that belonged to you and her are being ravaged by another little bitch! "

"Mom, Mengmeng is not cheap." Zhan Mo's eyes were cold, no matter how much Duan Xiuhui said, he only cared about this.

Duan Xiuhui laughed: "Hum, isn't she? Chen Qingzhi crawled on the bed to seduce your father to give birth to her. She wasn't, who ..."

Zhan Mo frowned and pierced Duan Xiuhui's lies ruthlessly: "Mom, don't lie to me anymore, the person who climbed the bed at that time was not Chen Qingzhi at all. Your father who really caused all this tragedy is Chen Qingzhi. She is only a victim . Now, my father has begun to make up for you, and you? Do you want to continue? I advise you to stop early. "

(End of this chapter)

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