Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1921: If you do, he will be jealous

1921 silly pacote range manifest for ss @ ^^.

"Kidden is gentle and tolerant, will take care of people, and is loyal to you.

Mengmeng, if you want, you can consider divorcing with three children in your belly. Don't worry, if you divorce, Dad will protect you and your three grandchildren. Everything about Dad in the future is yours. "

Zhan Yang's expression did not seem to be a joke. He frowned, the more serious his expression was.

In contrast to his solemn expression, Keeton's increasingly cold air.

However, Zhan Yang's attention now falls on Ruan Mengmeng, they are talking about serious matters, and naturally they do not notice the abnormality of Chitton.

"... that ... actually ... in fact, the relationship with Li Junyu is not what you think." Ruan Mengmeng suddenly felt a little hard at the moment.

She was only trying to tease Li Junyu, so she intentionally said that she liked Keeton.

But Zhan Yang seemed to take it seriously, and it was unexpectedly supportive.

Zhan Yang's attitude surprised Ruan Mengmeng and made her even more surprised.

You should know that Li Junyu is actually standing behind her now, and heard Zhan Yang's attitude plainly.

She turned back uneasily, looking at the man behind ...

Zhan Yang misunderstood Ruan Mengmeng's move, thinking she was worried about Keeton's position.

As a father, Zhan Yang said in a calm voice: "Kidton, you have to remember what your father said to you and Qi Sheng to me. Meng Meng is my daughter and your master. If you dare to sorry for her Make her sad ... you should know what will happen. "

Zhan Yang's slender sword eyebrows stood tall, revealing his arrogance.

This is his normal state in front of outsiders, which is completely different from that in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

He didn't care about Qidun's wishes at all, nor did he ask whether Qidun would care if Ruan Mengmeng was someone else's wife, and there was another man's child in his stomach.

It's as if he has been used to giving orders and commanding such high things, and is used to the life of others.

Kitten nodded with cold eyes: "I understand, sir. I am the owner's person, and I will be by her as long as the owner needs it."

Zhan Yang nodded with satisfaction, and said, "From then on, you will stay in Mengmeng's room. Serve her well ..."

After speaking, Zhan Yang said to Ruan Mengmeng indifferently: "Meng Meng, if you like him, stay and enjoy it. Well, after that, Dad will tell you the business. The board of directors of Houtian Beacon Group will be at the Royal Racecourse ... "

After Zhan Yang said, Ruan Mengmeng had no intention to listen anymore, but only vaguely agreed.

Later, on the grounds of sleepiness, she let Chitton accompany herself to the room.

As soon as the two entered the bedroom, Ruan Mengmeng pressed Qidun on the European-style door made of solid wood.

"You ... Li Junyu, what are you thinking? Why didn't you say anything to Zhan Yang just now, why did you say that?"

Ruan Mengmeng felt wrong from Zhan Yang's arrangement for 'Kidun' to serve her.

Zhan Yang's attitude and viewpoint made Ruan Mengmeng not fit.

She has never been the type of bully who decides others' lives at will.

When she sat there and saw Zhan Yang showing that proud and noble look, Ruan Mengmen's hair was erected, but she felt that Zhan Yang was uncomfortable.

She didn't like the feeling of using power to do whatever she wanted.

However, she can at least blame Zhan Yang's behavior as he was hurting his daughter.

Zhan Yang and Zhan Mo are actually a very similar father and son. They are indifferent to others, but they show full concern for the people they care about.

But Li Junyu, Ruan Mengmeng didn't understand why he had to disguise at this time.

Li Junyu can reveal his identity in front of Zhan Yang. As long as he tells Zhan Yang, he is not Qi Dun, but Li Junyu.

Then all problems can be solved.

Although Qidun is Li Junyu and Li Junyu is Qidun, Ruan Mengmeng does not want Zhan Yang to hate Li Junyu.

She ... she didn't know what happened to her. She didn't care about Zhan Yang before, but now she wants Zhan Yang to recognize her husband.

"Li Junyu? Master, what are you talking about ..."

The man pressed by Ruan Mengmeng on the door had a slightly darker eyebrow, but the gentle and handsome face showed a deep puzzlement: "Why at this time, please mention other men ... Master, you In this way, Chiton will be jealous. "

[Beyond 1300 words: Today ’s update is super fast and much more ~ ​​10.23 update is complete, see you tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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