Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1928: I forced him last night

Chapter 1928 I Forced Him Last Night

Ruan Mengmeng was trying to explain, by the way to Qidun (her family tyrant).

Standing behind her, she went into the drama extremely deeply, and Keeton, with a gentle smile on her face, nodded respectfully: "Mr. What he taught was his subordinate's fault. He will go down and take the punishment as soon as possible. You must also persuade the host and ask her to exercise more restraint. Don't drag Chiton hard and refuse to let Chiton get out of bed. "

"Hmm ..." This time, Ruan Mengmeng didn't hold back, and sprayed the western-style thick soup in his mouth.

"Meng Meng, eat slowly, don't worry ..."

"Master, watch out ..."

The two men reached out at the same time, each holding a napkin to wipe her mouth thoughtfully.

She was guarded by her shoulders and wanted to embrace her.

Zhan Yang raised his eyes and gave a cold glance at the man who took his daughter into his arms.

In the threatening eyes of Zhan Yang, Keeton slowly let go and backed away.

Zhan Yang then looked back and cared about Ruan Mengmeng's state: "Slow down, no one will grab you ... see, it's a cat.

The deep-eyed eyes could not help softening to the man whose face was still cold now.

His slender fingers were holding the white napkin, and gently wiped the soup from Ruan Mengmeng's lips.

Ruan Mengmeng is embarrassed by the action of spraying the soup just now.

Suddenly Zhan Yang approached with such kindness and tenderness, and Ruan Mengmeng was afraid to move.

She doesn't remember how long she has been cared for and loved by a man named 'Dad'.

When she was young, her favorite person was her father Ruan Zhaotian.

Although she had a broken and chaotic family at that time, the love that Ruan Zhaotian gave her as a father was real.

At that time, she did not know that such fatherly love was not pure, and those loves were mixed with guilt, reparation, and atonement.

Until growing up, in her disappointment with Ruan Zhaotian, her desire for fatherly love slowly diminished and faded, until she disappeared.

On the day the truth broke out, the dad she once loved became someone she hated.

She hated that cowardly, incompetent man.

After knowing the truth, she couldn't love her real father.

Because the man named Zhan Yang also hurt her and her family.

As time goes by, Ruan Mengmeng never expected that one day she would sit here next to her biological father she hated.

There was no conflict between them, at least temporarily.

The man named Zhanyang, who gave her life, was gently wiping the corners of her lips.

"I ... can wipe it by myself." Ruan Mengmeng subconsciously wanted to grab the napkin in Zhan Yang's hand. She was eager to get in touch with him, but warned herself not to.

The man has not been thoroughly understood, and his words have not been thoroughly tested.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't want to get in too early.

"No, Dad wipes it for you." Zhan Yang easily avoided Ruan Mengmeng's hand and hooked her lips. "You haven't been with Dad since you were a kid, and Dad can rarely do something for you."

Zhan Yang's language is mild, with the love of his father.

Ruan Mengmeng's expression was faint, and the light and shadow in Xingmu's eyes almost couldn't control his emotions.

In order to prevent herself from continuing to indulge in this kind of feeling that can easily shake her, she quickly shifted the topic: "That ... Dad, you don't need to punish Kitten, last night ... I forced him."

Ruan Mengmeng gritted his teeth and said this, his face was red to the blood.

Unexpectedly, one day, in order to relieve Li Junyu, she had to take the initiative to admit that she was a ... uh ... a woman who was overly indignant.

Oh god, pick her up, she's almost free!

(End of this chapter)

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