Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1939: Apology

Chapter 1939: Apology

"Introduce everyone, this is my daughter Mengmeng ..." Zhan Yang turned her back to Zhan Jiaer, and did not see her and the Kensington family and Zhan Mo falling behind.

He also took off his earmuffs and introduced Ruan Mengmeng to everyone with a smile: "Because of some misunderstandings, our father and daughter never knew the existence of the other party. It was only recently that I recognized Mengmeng. Today, taking this opportunity, Introduce her to the old friends present, I hope you look at my face and take care of her younger generation. "

Zhan Yang has always been under-spoken, cold-hearted, and concise in front of the partners and board members of country M.

However, today, in order to introduce Ruan Mengmeng to them, he rarely said a lot.

At this time, Zhan Yang was like a real father, a loving father.

Zhan Mo stood outside the crowd, even seeing such a father, there was even a trace of embarrassment.

Since childhood, he seems to have never seen Gu Gao's indifferent father, showing such a kind side.

It's not just Zhan Mo who hasn't seen it. Zhan Jia'er hasn't seen him for the first time.

Even in the past, because of her heart disease, her father favored her and coveted her.

But those pets have always been material.

Dad never smiled at her like this, never!

Standing outside the crowd, Zhan Jiaer clenched her hands and looked at Ruan Mengmeng's eyes full of jealousy.

"Dad ..." At this moment, Zhan Jiaer called suddenly, making a soft and ethereal voice.

"Dad, Mr. Kensington and his wife are here. My sister has had troubles a few days ago. Fortunately, Mrs. Kensington and her husband have a lot of people, and they are willing to blame the past ... I brought them here deliberately, so that my sister would admit that they were wrong. Even if things are understood in this way, it will not hurt everyone's friendship. "

Zhan Jiaer had a smirk on her face, and she even used the word 'sister' in front of everyone to call Ruan Mengmeng.

She knew that Zhan Yang was now partial to Ruan Mengmeng, so she would not conflict with Ruan Mengmeng.

Zhan Jia'er had already thought about it. She couldn't be as sharp as her mother. Instead, she had to maintain superficial harmony with Ruan Mengmeng.

She even had to accept Ruan Mengmeng's 'sister' in front of her father, so that her father thought she was sensible and obedient, and was full of guilt and guilt for her because of her concession.

Zhan Jiaer's decision was actually wise.

When Zhan Yang heard that she called Ruan Mengmeng 'sister' in public, she was satisfied.

It's just ... When Zhan Yang heard Zhan Jia'er's words turned around, and in turn asked Ruan Mengmeng to apologize, his eyebrows just stretched out could not help but frown.

They are warriors from a century of nobles in country S. Even if he left the country and came to country M, he had already stood on the peak of country M's power by his own strength.

The Beacon Group and the Kensington family are just cooperative relationships, the other party is prominent, and the Beacon Group is not bad.

In this equal communication between the two sides, Mrs. Kensington went ugly on her own, and made his Zhan Yang's heirs bow their heads and apologize.

George Kensington didn't know the so-called apology, but Zhan Jiaer's wishful thinking.

He saw Zhan Jiaer in front of many guests and gave the face of Kensington.

He even pretended to be magnanimous and took the initiative to say: "Battle, I heard that this kid in your family is an illegitimate daughter and has not been with you since he was a child. Therefore, he lacked knowledge. Even so, we do not blame her. She ’s a friend. You do n’t have to acknowledge it. Let her come and apologize to my wife. ”

After George had spoken, the lady next to him who had accused Ruan Mengmeng over the afternoon tea party, and then the ugly wife raised her proud chin.

[10.28 is more complete, the next 2 is to make up yesterday, continue to make up tomorrow ~~ Mody good night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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