Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1945: question

Chapter 1945 Question

"If my father helped his daughter to ignore the company's interests for personal benefit, then what is Mrs. Kensington's indignation at innocent passers-by and wrongdoing because of her personal preferences?"

Ruan Mengmeng, who had been guarded by Zhan Yang behind him, was in Zhan Yang's side at this time.

She raised her eyebrows and stared at Elisabeth Kensington, who had high toes and contempt.

Ruan Mengmeng held the mobile phone in her hand, and when everyone was attracted by the confrontation between Zhan Yang and the Kensington family, she finally received a reply from the boss.

That matter, the boss found clues before Feng Boss, and then found the exact evidence by following the clues.

Moreover, not only that, but also other insiders.

Some details that were not considered by everyone in the past are thought to be trivial.

Mrs. Kensington was so embarrassed that she did not expect a damned illegitimate daughter to dare to question herself.

Even if the war is thin, after all, he is the beneficiary of the Beacon Group. His identity and ability are the highest in the Western world dominated by whites.

But an illegitimate daughter, if it wasn't for her mother who made Xiaosan crawl over the war-thin bed, she would also deserve it!

Thinking of Elizabeth Kensington's frown, she scolded fiercely: "Meng Meng Ruan, here is country M is a legal country, you are insulting my reputation and stigmatizing my reputation! I Elizabeth Kensington accepted Higher elite education, although it is not shameful to argue with such despicable people like you, if you talk nonsense again here, you will wait to go to prison, my lawyer will not let you go! "

"It turns out that Mrs. Kensington also knows that country M is a legal society. Since you should know that it is not you or your lawyer who decides whether to go to jail or not. It is a court decision. I heard that the Kensington family is a century-old politics. Family, the original rumors were true, and the Kensington family was really powerful ... Before the court did not rule, you can decide whether a person is in jail. "

Speaking of this, Ruan Mengmeng laughed: "It seems that the M country is a society ruled by law ... in the face of the power of the Kensington family, it is a joke."

The raised lips and the pear vortex on the ruddy cheeks made her look sweet and sweet, but she did not look at Mrs. Kensington's gaze.

Mrs. Kensington is too underrated.

Most of the Orientals in her impression are weak and bully, and they are not good at expressing and defending their rights. The most fearful thing is to hear the words 'court' and 'prison'.

But she did not understand that the so-called cowardice was only because the Orientals were used to being humble and polite.

However, once the other party's humility and courtesy are taken for granted, the face on the nose will be unceremoniously backfired.

Already there were other guests who were opposed to the Kensington family, sneaking out of the phone to shoot.

It seems that the Kensington family not only kicked the iron plate this time, but also kicked the granite.

As opponents of the Kensington family, they are happy to see this girl from the East with a magical ‘eaves and walls’ ability, beautiful and strong, in the crucial period before the election.

"I didn't mean that, you illegitimate daughter don't misinterpret me!"

Elizabeth Kensington's delicate face was distorted with shame because of her shame: "The Kensington family has always been fair and law-abiding. As a century-old political family, they have led by example and set an example for everyone. I understand that you want to maintain a thin mind , But you should not make a fuss about the reputation of the Kensington family. "

(End of this chapter)

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