Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1954: Zhan Jiaer's Death Show (1)

Chapter 1954 Zhan Jiaer's Death Show (1)

When Zhan Jiaer entered the stables, Mr. Lawrence, the head of the equestrian club, was talking to other horse trainers.

When a pure and beautiful young lady appeared at the entrance of the racecourse, Mr. Lawrence's deep eyes narrowed slightly, recognizing Zhan Jiaer's identity.

He had just received this young lady at the door. She was the jewel in the palm of Mr. Zhan Bo, a young lady of the warring family.

"Dear Miss Jiaer, may I have anything to do for you?" Mr. Lawrence walked over with a gentle greeting.

He thought that Zhan Jiaer was lost, and then she would be so confused and innocent.

"Mr. Lawrence ... You are great here." However, Zhan Jiaer saw him with a relaxed expression. "Where is the horse that my dad bought? You ask people to take it down, and I want to ride . "

Zhan Jiaer spoke very easily, in a natural tone.

Lawrence's exaggerated mouth: "Oh, Miss Jiaer ... you want to ride 'Louis'!"

'Louis' is the name of the horse that Zhan Yang bought back at a high price.

"This is not okay ... Louis hasn't fully trained yet. It has precious blood and perfect physique but also has a sensitive and proud personality. Even the most experienced horse trainer can't fully control it. Jiaer Miss ... I'm afraid I can't do it. "

Lawrence directly rejected Zhan Jiaer's request.

Are you kidding? The strongest horse trainers in their club can only ride two laps of Louis for a while. Before they get the approval and closeness of Louis, they will be ruthlessly thrown off by riding on their horseback.

Lawrence had made the situation very clear, but Zhan Jiaer thought that this was an excuse for the other party.

She knew that the horse was bought by Ruan Mengmeng by her father. Lawrence must be taken light of her, knowing that Dad now loves Ruan Mengmeng's illegitimate daughter and does not hurt her, so she wants to leave this precious horse to Ruan Mengmeng. Despise her.

Zhan Jiaer has always been what she wanted, and she got what she wanted.

But since she met Ruan Mengmeng, she feels that her status has changed. Dad, brother ... They all become more concerned about Ruan Mengmeng and take her lightly.

Now, even an ordinary person dare not give her face.

Zhan Jiaer's eyes were slightly sinking, showing a majestic expression: "I don't believe that I want to ride. I'm Miss Fighter. This horse is our warrior's possession. Mr. Lawrence, I think you need to figure out One point, our fighters pay millions of membership dues at the club every year, and have invested heavily in your racecourse to ask you to help raise horses.

Now, as a young warrior, I want to ride on the famous horse I bought. If you can verify the results, you must also reject it. Then I can only doubt that the professionalism of your Royal Racecourse, maybe next year ... I should change Daddy and Mommy to another racecourse. "

After all, Zhan Jia'er is a warrior with a lot of money. Converging and showing her arrogance, she is still very bluffing.

The person in charge was fooled by her words.

Originally, Lawrence said nothing would allow Zhan Jiaer to get on the horse, but she said everything about this, and no longer allowed her to 'test' the results of the training, which may affect their reputation on the horse farm.

Mr. Lawrence had to say: "Well then ... let you try it. But we have to say first, you can only go on horseback, I will let the trainer hold the reins, and never run."

Zhan Jia'er saw the goal easily, and smiled: "Of course, you can rest assured ... I just sit up and walk a few times, nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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