Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1958: No image

Chapter 1958: No Image

Zhan Jiaer crashed, and the trainer Pete was taken off by the hoof. The two were taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance.

Because this accident happened under everyone's eyelids, the grand lady of the beacon group was thrown off the horse. Such a serious incident happened in front of the eyes, and all the guests naturally rushed to the hospital for care.

Even Esther was no exception.

Cesare Esther was very impressed with Zhan Jiaer's performance. At this time, Zan Yang followed the hospital to the hospital not only because of politeness but also because of genuine concern.

Everyone waited outside the operation ward for a while, and the lights during the operation never went out.

Just then, Zhan Mo rushed into the crowd with a man with European and American faces.

I don't know what Zhan Mo said to Zhan Yang. After Zhan Yang nodded, the foreign man followed Zhan Mo into the operating ward from the special channel next to him.

Cesare Este asked curiously, "Who was that?"

Zhan Yang faintly explained: "That's Professor Meister, the authority in the medical field ... he has been conditioning the body for Jiaer."

Speaking of this, Zhan Yang frowned, as if thinking of something to look back at Ruan Mengmeng sitting aside.

Because everyone was here, Ruan Mengmeng also followed.

She didn't care about Zhan Jiaer, she just wanted to see Zhan Jiaer's ending.

Alive, I'm afraid she won't be better, dead ... well, even better.

Ruan Mengmeng will not have the hope of the Virgin Heart, and Jiaer An'an is stable and long-lived.

Feeling Zhan Yang's gaze projected on himself, Ruan Mengmeng raised his eyes and looked back, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Zhan Yang retracted his gaze at the next moment, but Ruan Mengmeng was confused.

Ruan Mengmeng certainly does not understand Zhan Yang's mind, because the professor Maest is a doctor who is leading the change of heart for Zhan Jiaer. He is a medical genius and enjoys the sense of accomplishment brought by experiments and medical updates.

At that time, it was only after he listened to his suggestion that the war fighters asked Ruan Shishi to ask for his heart.

But now, in front of everyone, Zhan Yang is not convenient to explain to Ruan Mengmeng.

Just when Ruan Mengmeng thought that Zhan Yang glanced at him just now was strange and wanted to ask.

A familiar voice came from the corridor--

"Jiaer, my Jiaer ... Where is Jiaer, where is Jiaer ?!" Duan Xiuhui's soft and gurgling voice was mixed with the crying cavity getting closer and closer.

But within a few seconds, Ruan Mengmeng saw Duan Xiuhui, who was still dignified and elegant when she went out in the morning, with bandages on her head and gauze on her forehead, and her face was slightly swollen and she burst into the crowd.

Duan Xiuhui's usual grace disappeared. In the morning, she seemed a bit funny because she had just removed the plaster from her right hand and had difficulty moving.

Now it was embarrassing, and there was a little lady's manners left.

Duan Xiuhui has always been very demanding of herself, and she also cares about the image in front of outsiders, but she suddenly received the news that Zhan Jiaer fell into a horse, and she was totally distracted.

It was too late to clean up and to see the surroundings, so he rushed in.

"Husband ... husband ... how is Jiaer, is she in danger of life ... what did the doctor say, the situation is not serious, will Jiaer ... whether ..."

The ‘dead’ field Xiuhui could n’t say at all, her daughter fell into a horse, but it fell into a horse!

A healthy adult may fall as a result, not to mention that her Jiaer is still so fragile and petite.

"Mom, Jiaer is still in the rescue, Professor Meister has entered ... the situation is not clear yet." Zhan Yang was grabbed by Duan Xiuhui, watching her cry in her arms, but did not have the first time Answer the wife's words.

Instead, Zhan Mo, who saw Duan Xiuhui appear, couldn't bear her sad answer.

(End of this chapter)

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