Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1960: This is the truth ...

Chapter 1960: The Truth Is This ...

Zhan Mo did not know that Lawrence was in the stable at the time, but only knew that her sister was wayward. If she really wanted to do anything, no one could stop her.

"He is the person in charge of the racecourse, he should take responsibility!" Duan Xiuhui did not eat this set at all. "We pay so much membership fees each year at the racecourse, put the horses on their racecourse for training, but they protect even a VIP not good."

"I heard that Jiaer was thrown off the horse by" Louis. "How long has it been that" Louis "was sent to the Royal Racecourse? What kind of horse trainer did they ask for? Injured? "

Duan Xiuhui was already red-eyed, and she didn't care. If her daughter had any three lengths, two shorts, and a hair loss, she would have to be buried with these lowly people.

"Enough-you shrew, shut up!" After hearing Duan Xiuhui's mention of the horse trainer, Lawrence, who was on the verge of collapse, could no longer bear it.

He could no longer follow the Royal Horse Farm's "Customer is God" principle, pointing at Duan Xiuhui with a **** and unable to control it with a sad voice: "Pitt is our best horse trainer at the Royal Racecourse, and he has won numerous awards He treats animals like his lover, children ... he is not wrong, he is excellent, the wrong person is me ... it is me ... "

"Woohoo ..." Lawrence said this, already unable to help his face with his hands, grabbing his hair and sobbing.

"I didn't stop the woman. I was afraid to offend the warring ... It was me ... obviously all this was not in accordance with the rules, but the woman suppressed me as a so-called warring lady. I have told her 'Louis' hasn't been trained well enough to ride, but she wants to get on the horse. Both Peter and I have stopped her, but we can't beat her.

Just let her go! Why bother with horse belly? Pete and I have repeatedly told her that ‘Louis’ is not suitable for running, and can only relax walking. Why does n’t she listen! "

Lawrence's words shocked the audience, all the guests thought it was an accident, but did not expect that this was a completely avoidable tragedy.

However, Duan Xiuhui is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if Lawrence is heartbroken, she is coldly disdain: "Impossible! You are talking nonsense--"

"My Jiaer is so kind and simple, how could she do this kind of thing! And she is weak and naturally sick, and she has n’t rode a horse by herself since she was a child. How could she suddenly ask for it? Are you not responsible , So Jiaer's body was dirty? I would never accept such an explanation! "

Lawrence smiled wryly, "Is there any nonsense, as evidenced by the stables' monitoring. From the stables to the stables, there are monitoring all the way. Our monitoring is fully equipped with a radio device. The performance of the majesty was all monitored and filmed. "

Precious horse breeds are bred in the racecourse. To avoid unnecessary trouble, all places are naturally monitored.

It's just that in order to avoid guilty of the guests, it is impossible for the person in charge of the racecourse to take surveillance to give evidence.

But this time, it's not only about the reputation of the racecourse, but also one ... one life.

If Lawrence doesn't stand up and do something, his conscience will never be peaceful.

"..." Hearing that the other party was under surveillance, Duan Xiuhui already believed what Lawrence said.

Is everything really caused by Zhan Jiaer's own request?

But her daughter knew she had a heart problem, so why did she do it?

Duan Xiuhui didn't understand, she really didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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