Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1962: Zhan Yang doubts her vision

Chapter 1962 Zhan Yang doubts his vision

Although the head of the racecourse, Lawrence, could not wait to report Zhan Jiaer immediately, but as Zhan Jiaer is still alive and dead in the operation ward, and Pete needs someone to arrange a funeral, he can only set aside some harsh words. Let it go.

When everyone left, just outside the surgery ward that was full of people, there were only Zhan Yang, Duan Xiuhui, Zhan Mo, Ruan Mengmeng, and Qidun.

As an onlooker, Ruan Mengmeng looked coldly at Duan Xiuhui hiding behind Zhan Yang, crying with tears in her eyes.

She knew in her heart that Dad didn't necessarily agree with Duan Xiuhui's approach, but they were husband and wife, so Dad stood up at the critical moment to protect Duan Xiuhui and solve her troubles.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes turned to Duan Xiuhui, who looked sad. Perhaps, after the scene pointed by Qianfu just now, Duan Xiuhui would understand that Zhan Jiaer has today, all her educational mistakes as a mother.

If she taught Zhan Jiaer to be considerate of others, not to ignore her life, and to despise others, perhaps today's tragedy would not happen.

However, Ruan Mengmeng still looks at Duan Xiuhui too high, or ... she still doesn't know this woman too much.

Duan Xiuhui, who was still hiding behind Zhan Yang when there were no outsiders present, wiped her tears and complained: "Husband, what is your identity, how can you bow down to these ordinary people ... They will sue Jiaer, and I will sue where are they.

We receive so many membership dues each year, but we can't even protect the lives of our guests. Instead, we hurt Jiaer. That Pete would die because of his inadequate skills and failing to train Louis. If he had tuned Louis earlier, or controlled Louis, this tragedy would not have happened. "

Duan Xiuhui still had tears in her eyes, and a touch of anxiety and sadness.

But that worry and sorrow were left to her beloved daughter, and only Zhan Jiaer was worried in her eyes.

As for the others, Duan Xiuhui, who has always been high above him, would never take his eyes off.

"Mom, this time you can't blame the horse trainer, it's Jiaer's willfulness." Zhan Mo's eyes were a little disgusted. He didn't know why, but he used to listen to what he used to, but now he felt harsh.

Zhan Mo said subconsciously: "If Jiaer did not launch without permission ..."

"Zhan Mo, you weren't like this before, now how can you turn around to help outsiders?" Duan Xiuhui frowned, looking at her son with a strange look.

"Those ordinary people can't compare with Jiaer at all. We told you from an early age that you and Jiaer are the pride of the heavens. Those humble people are just muddy feet ..."

"Enough, don't say--" Before Duan Xiuhui's words were finished, there was a low drink beside her.

The man who was still guarding her just now looked at her coldly with deep frost-covered eyes.

"This thing is Jiaer's willful behavior and blame, no wonder others. She didn't want to think that she had a heart attack. Doing this kind of thing not only harmed her but also affected the company, she was extremely stupid."

Zhan Yang used to think that her daughter is innocent and pure, even if she is not very smart, but she is also cute and lovely.

Moreover, she has her own blood, so Zhan Yang is willing to hold it in her palm.

But now, he is increasingly skeptical of his past vision.

Compared with Mengmeng, Jiaer is really ... unworthy to be called his Zhanyang daughter.

In addition to the appearance of purity and purity, what is left of Jiaer?

Without natural divine power and intelligent mind, if it wasn't for her frail and sickness because of the poison in her womb, perhaps Zhan Yang would not have been partial to her since she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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