Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1967: Her dad is such a powerful person

Chapter 1967: Her Father Is Such A Powerful Man

For a while, Duan Xiuhui stayed in the hospital and took care of Zhan Jiaer almost never returned home.

And Ruan Mengmeng, she is also very busy.

Zhan Yang seems to be really disappointed with Zhan Jiaer. He has not been to the hospital once and has not visited once. Instead, he brings Ruan Mengmeng into the company every day.

Except for the routine pregnancy test once a week, Ruan Mengmeng was brought around by Zhan Yang and was familiar with everything of the Beacon Group.

It wasn't until studying with Zhan Yang that Ruan Mengmeng knew how powerful and powerful this man was.

Zhan Yang's methods are unfathomable. His ambitions and ambitions for this world even surprised Ruan Mengmeng.

Beacon Group's power has touched many fields, not only the shopping, real estate, media, education, and medical care that are related to the lives of ordinary people. Beacon Group also undertakes infrastructure construction, telecommunications networks, financial investments, and even energy projects.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't know what kind of person will develop his group into such a terrible behemoth.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhan Yang is a lunatic.

Even the Li family, a family of powerful and powerful people who have mastered the economic lifeline of country S, never reached their hands in so many fields at the peak of Li Junyu's helm.

However, Zhan Yang who was expelled from the country S was almost a self-made Zhan Yang, but he did it.

He is really a surprising, unexpected man.

"This is the Beacon Group's investment in the Middle East, and these are in North Africa ... their submarine gas pipelines have been here from here to ... even these ports have ports."

In the study room, Ruan Mengmeng took out the map and showed Kidton one by one the “homework” assigned to her by Zhan Yang today.

These days Zhan Yang has continuously taught her a lot, and those knowledges were never touched by Ruan Mengmeng before.

To be honest, if you change people, I'm afraid you will be blasted by these heavy corporate affairs.

But Ruan Mengmeng didn't, the talents of the Zhan family were revealed at this time.

Their brain capacity seems to be inherently stronger than others, and they are naturally faster than others when they learn things.

Those unfamiliar place names, complicated personnel confirmation, obscure market information, boring data analysis, others may need a week or two to be able to chew well-known things.

Ruan Mengmeng only needs one day.

Of course, under the prerequisites, her loyal and capable subordinate Chitton would kiss her every day and solve her problems of fainting.

"Dad said, let me remember all these materials today, and tomorrow I will tell me about the market layout in northern Europe." Ruan Mengmeng nestled in Chitton's arms and said with a sigh.

Seriously, although she has the teaching and assistance of her tyrant, these things need to be stored in her head all at once, which still makes her a little tired.

After all, this is not simply rote memorization.

Dad's strategic layout in various regions, his profound and admirable means and vision, all seemed to teach her with a brain.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't know why Dad had high hopes for her, but Dad was very kind to her and she didn't want to disappoint him.

"There are too many materials this time. It involves not only North Africa, but also the complex situation in the Middle East. It is difficult to get through in one day." Chitton hugged Ruan Mengmeng and let her lean in her arms, turning slightly To look through these onerous file files.

(End of this chapter)

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