Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1970: Take away the fairy princess

Chapter 1970: Taking The Demon Princess Off

Demon, demon concubine ...

Li Junyu is equal to the fairy princess?

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't think of it. The reason why Dad suddenly got angry and wanted to send Qidun away was for this reason.

When did her wise and powerful tyrant adult become a demon concubine who betrayed the country and the people and confused the Sacred Heart?

This metaphor really has to make Ruan Mengmeng think more.

So what did she become--

Wouldn't she have become a stunned and beautiful coward?

Ruan Mengmeng was suddenly unacceptable, and she did not know what kind of expression her face would have when her tyrant adult heard him as his 'Fair Princess'.

She couldn't help looking up at Chitton, trying to see his face.

Only as soon as he looked up, Ruan Mengmeng froze.

What did she see?

She saw Chitton's face solemn, grim, and her lips thin.

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help but breathe, and her eyes flickered. Why did Li Junyu show such a cold look?

Dad bumped into their 'nonsense', Li Junyu was wearing a 'Kidun' face again, and it was not a big problem for Dad to misunderstand him.

As long as they avoid the listener and explain it to their father, it ’s good to say ‘Kidden’ ’s identity.

Ruan Mengmeng believes that her dad is so good that she will not care about them.

However, without waiting for Ruan Mengmeng to explain to Zhan Yang, Zhan Yang standing behind the table has raised the volume of voices— "Zhan Qingze, come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was opened, and Zhan Qingze, who was thin and straight, appeared outside the door with no expression.

Behind him, there were two tall bodyguards in black and tall. The faces of these two men were as cold as Zhan Qingze, and they were the ones who were trained by Zhan Qingze himself.

"Take Qidun away." Zhan Yang ordered, it was not like joking with Ruan Mengmeng at all.

Moreover, there was not even a word of Ruan Mengmeng who knew the meeting. Instead, it seemed that the three had existed.

Chitton's grim face became even colder. Ruan Meng came down from him with an open hand and said, "No, I won't allow you to take him away!"

"Dad, why exactly? What the **** is wrong with you ... why did you take Chitton away?"

Ruan Mengmeng showed anxiety on her face, she really didn't understand why Zhan Yang did it.

Are n’t you kidding any fairy princess or fainting kid?

Who would really take this as a reason?

But Zhan Yang's answer completely ruined Ruan Mengmeng.

"Meng Meng, Dad has said that he will only disturb you if he stays with you. What you want to inherit is the beacon group. You can use Chitton as a pastime, but you cannot waste too much time on a pastime, let alone Real feelings. You inherited the hard work of your father's life. Dad hopes that the Beacon Group can carry forward in your hands and never let these unnecessary feelings trap you. "

Zhan Yang's eyes were cold and unfathomable.

He looked at Ruan Mengmeng, his deep pupil was shining brightly.

Ruan Mengmeng knows what the light is, that is the light called Xi Yi and ambition. The more I get along with my father these days, the more I know, he really has too many ambitions and ideals in himself.

Until this moment, Ruan Mengmeng finally found out.

She thought that "Hyun Jun" and "Fairy Princess" were just a joke, but in the eyes of his father, he really saw himself and Keeton like this.

"Take it away." Zhan Yang again ordered.

This time, as soon as his words fell, Zhan Qingze and two black bodyguards walked up without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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