Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2187: Leave mother and son

Chapter 2187: Mother And Son

The female homeowner suffered a major blood loss due to an accident during labor. In order to leave her and her beloved the only crystal, she chose to go to her mother and her son.

When the son of her and the man's blood was born, she gave up.

After the female owner went, the man took their only son to take over the war.

As their son's next heir to the war lord, their sons left the warrior's husband to take care of everything, since he was still young.

Twenty years passed in a blink of an eye, and these 20 years turned out to be the darkest 20 years in the war clan.

The war clan people are persecuted, some people will die silently and overnight, and some people will die unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, the original Ding prosperous fighters will be withered.

In the end, the main family of the warring family was only the husband who was forced to marry and the son who was about to take over the family.

"At that time, the former husband-in-law had been in charge of the warring family for many years, and the entire warring family could be said to have fallen into his hands. He was originally a rare talent, but unfortunately he was forced by his clan that year and was only Forced to marry the female head of the family. "

Zhan Hai knew that Ruan Mengmeng didn't know the old story of the warring family, and told her specially.

"The warring family member Ding withered and was unknowingly endangered. And all this was done by the housewife. He deeply hated the humiliation of the housekeeper forcing him to give up his beloved woman and forcing him into the warring family. So here For twenty years, he used his own means to retaliate against the fighters, and even when he was taking advantage of the female owner's production, he planned to cooperate with foreigners.

However, when he was finally about to annihilate the warring family, and was about to avenge his vengeance, he retreated. He and the woman's son have grown up. In order to prevent the son and him from robbing the warring power, he should have cut the roots of the child born of the man he hated.

But in the end, he didn't start. When the next owner found out that he was abnormal, and wanted to take home the position, the man actually gave up. "

Ruan Mengmeng was the first time to hear such a story, and her eyes were a little cold: "It is normal to retreat, that is his son after all, after all, the tiger is poisonous."

Before becoming a mother, Ruan Mengmeng may not understand this feeling.

But when she had three little beans, she deeply understood this special blood-lined feeling.


She looked coldly at Zhan Yang.

Unfortunately, not everyone in this world understands this feeling, just like some people, he will never understand.

Zhan Hai shook her head: "No, not because of the next homeowner. That man didn't kill the next homeowner in the end, just because he found that he had neglected his twenty-year-old son. He actually had eyes that looked like the previous female homeowner. . "

"That man, for twenty years of revenge, vented for twenty years, and finally found the happy time in his life that he was most reluctant to admit. It was actually the day when he and the hostess of the house faced each other and played every day.

In the end, I do n’t know if it was stimulated. He actually told his son everything he had arranged. In the angry and unbelievable eyes of his son, he bit his teeth in front of the female owner ’s tablet and hid himself in the poisonous pocket between his teeth. "

Since then, the fighters have been handed over to the new owner, and it took another hundred years to finally recuperate and restore their former glory.

(End of this chapter)

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