Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2192: Strange tell

Chapter 2192 Strange Tell

Zhan Yang's somber complexion exudes suffocation. Although he was prepared not to mention it by Ruan Mengmeng, he heard the words "late brain tumor" and his frontal twitches.

Zhan Yang felt a sharp tingling in his back brain, and the cold sweat dipped out the next moment.

His face turned pale on the spot, due to excessive irritation and sweating.

There are hundreds of reasons for Zhan Yang to prove that his body is free of problems like others. With the lesson learned in country M, he has even prepared a fake diagnosis of an authoritative hospital.

However, the medical record can be faked, but the condition cannot be.

Everyone saw the man who was still energetic a second before, and suddenly frowned at the next moment, his face suddenly changed, and his forehead became sweaty.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Your head must be very painful right now? There is a tumor in your head, or it is late, this is not a joke. I showed your medical history to the doctor. In your current situation, the pressure on the brain Broken nerves, day and night will have headaches and death.

Not only that, the tumor in your head will grow bigger and bigger, causing lesions, and it will soon crush your optic nerves, and you will soon be blind. If the situation is not good, or even the central nerve is broken, you will always fall into a long-term shock state, that is, a vegetative.

A blind man and a vegetative man, what can you do if it gives you the position of warlord? "

Ruan Mengmeng said this, looking at Zhan Hai and others: "Or do you want to let such a person take the position of a warlord?"

"Ruan Mengmeng, you are a deceit."

Zhan Yang's qi was deteriorating. Every word mentioned by Ruan Mengmeng's "blindness", "shock", "blind man", "vegetative" ... is a deep stimulation to Zhan Yang.

"My health is very good, I don't have any--" The man's voice stopped abruptly, everyone's eyes were focused on his face, everyone clearly saw that Zhan Yang's pupils shrank fiercely, and it was pale His face seemed to be sweating, and the blue tendons in his forehead burst out.

At this critical moment, Zhan Yang suddenly felt a huge, unbearable pain coming from his brain, as if to split his brain.

"Cousin, cousin--"

"Uncle Tang, are you okay--"

The Zhan family who were attached to Zhanyang immediately surrounded them, but Ruan Mengmeng's face finally showed a slackness.

Zhan Yang's body seems to have really reached the end of the crossbow, otherwise he would not be so hasty to return and **** everything.

But now, she finally held her grandfather's will.

"Uncle San, in this case, can the clan assembly be temporarily suspended?" Ruan Mengmeng did not check the situation of Zhan Yang in the past. She had other more important things in her heart.

Zhan Hai saw Zhan Yang surrounded by heavy, nodded: "The clan assembly is temporarily postponed, ... you go back and talk, and give me a result as soon as possible."

The housewife of the warring family must not be entangled in other feelings. Even if Zhan Hai wants to help Ruan Mengmeng, he cannot defy the ancestral system.

Seeing Li Junyu still clinging to Ruan Mengmeng's hand, his face hesitated a little, hesitated for a while before he lowered his voice's long-speaking command to Ruan Mengmeng: "Meng Meng ... Xiao Xue, she is not bad, but just Poor child. If you can, don't hurt her. "

Ruan Mengmeng frowned, she really didn't understand what San Shugong said.

(End of this chapter)

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