Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2200: That is a hurdle in their hearts (2)

Chapter 2200: That Was A Barrier In Their Heart (2)

Li Junyu was still immersed in his memories. His cold features revealed the frost, and continued to say, "After the death of Aunt Shu, Li's family finally loosened her care. When the mother knew that she was no longer closely guarded, at least With a small range of personal freedom, it is even common that she feels deep guilt and hurt when three children are exchanged for the death of aunt Shu. "

Since then, Yue Xuexin took Zhan Ruxue to her villa and took good care of it.

"But from that time on, Zhan Ruxue's condition became more and more serious.

At that time, she had not escaped from the shadow of Aunt Shu's killing recklessness. After hearing the news of Aunt Shu's death, she fainted on the spot. The mother took her to her side to take good care of her. After waiting for her to wake up, Zhan Ruxue opened her eyes and sat up. The first sentence she said was— "

Li Junyu's eyes fell in one place, deep and cold, seemingly very reluctant to talk about this past event.

Although Ruan Mengmeng was curious, she didn't want to persecute, but just waited for Li Junyu to speak quietly.

It wasn't until a moment before the man drew his long eyelashes and looked up at his little wife.

Looking at Ruan Mengmeng's crystal clear eyes, the cold heart of a man will become much warmer.

He finally spoke, his voice deep and condensed: "Zhan Ruxue said the first sentence, which is called my mother and mummy."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Li Junyu: "The second sentence is to look at me and call me Junyu."

Jun Yu, what an intimate name.

But if they grew up together, maybe--

Li Jun's eyes were sinking, Ruan Mengmeng misunderstood, and immediately said in a cold voice: "Although I have known Zhan Ruxue very early, but I have never had too much contact. In my eyes, she is just An ordinary person, I am willing to be kind to her due to the contribution of my aunt to my mother.

Before that, she had always been afraid of me, and she didn't dare to talk more every time she saw me. Her character was very similar to that of Aunt Shu, weak and timid. The only times I had to meet were to call someone, and she just called me big and small. "

Li Junyu has been coldly mature since he was a child.

At that time, he had already begun to have the power. Zhan Ruxue, who had been abused since childhood, was naturally afraid of him, and he knew each other well.

Ruan Mengmeng: "But at that time, she called you Jun Yu intimately, and also called your mother Mummy ..."

Li Junyu: "Yes, more than that, she also imagined a very happy and happy life for herself. She comes from the prominent four family warriors. Her father loves her very much, but unfortunately she died young. Shu and her father were affectionate. Depression and depression left her alone, leaving her with her father.

My mother was handing a handkerchief to Lin Zhenshu, and Lin Zhenshu entrusted her to my mother on the bed. And my mother and I both like her very much. My husband and I became unmarried couples. My mother even brought her to Li's house and raised her carefully. "

Imagination, mental disorders, and excessive fantasies-Zhan Ruxue's actions are fully in line with this disease.

Li Junyu: "I will correct her statement immediately, but my mother stopped seeing that she was not in the right situation. Later, a psychiatrist came to see her and confirmed that she had called fantasy, that is, mental fantasy."

Zhan Ruxue is a child, and young children are far less capable than adults.

She has been hit hard one after another and has almost lost her will to live.

Therefore, she can only fall into hallucinations and make up a happy and fulfilling life for herself, relying on this illusory life to support herself to live.

This is a mental disorder, and it is not a kind of self-protection of the brain.

(End of this chapter)

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