Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2231: The most adorable little sister-in-law (uncle)

Chapter 2231: The Most Cute Little Sister-in-law (Uncle)

Later, Ruan Mengmeng took Li Junxi into the baby room, and brought him and two small buns to meet each other.

The kid Li Junxi was embarrassed. I was embarrassed at the moment when I thought that he had recently come in with a bright dagger to scare the two little ones.

However, the small words and small gifts are particularly kind to Li Junxi. The little guys clearly cried when they saw outsiders before, but giggled at Li Junxi, who was also a small uncle and a little uncle.

"Xiao Xi, they like you very much ..." Ruan Mengmeng held Xiaoxuan to Li Junxi.

Xiao Li Junxi looked at the small delivery who smiled like a silly bitch. He hesitated, slowly put out a finger, and poked at Xiaosong's small face.

Soft, soft, QQ, this novel touch is unexpectedly good.

Li Junxi couldn't help but poked gently, giving a small giggling giggling.

Ruan Mengmeng is a little speechless and is her own young son.

How Xiaoxiu grew up and became more like the silly son of the landlord's house.

Li Junxi felt very novel, and stretched his forefinger to poke the face next door.

QQ Bouncing's small face was poked gently by Li Junxi, and when he released it, it bounced up again.

so amazing……

Li Junxi froze for an unspeakable touch from the bottom of the index finger.

And the little calm words that were poked by Xiaoyao face first, and then looked at Li Junxi's beautiful and beautiful face enlarged in front of his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Giggle ... giggle ..."

The second son, who was originally calm, even somehow laughed.

And because of his laughter, the three sons, who had managed to stop aside, immediately seemed to be laughed at, and followed by a grinning ‘creak’.

Ruan Mengmeng's black line: "..."

What happened? Did she not only have a silly son of the landlord's family, but also two?

Why do Xiaohuahua and Xiaoxian look at Xiaoxiong and laugh, Xiaoxi looks so beautiful, what is so funny?

Where does Ruan Mengmeng know that two of her ‘stupid sons’ have just watched the grimace show performed by Xiaoxun (Little Uncle), and have long printed Li Junxi's grimace in the memory.

As long as the two little guys saw Li Junxi, they couldn't help but want to laugh, giggling, just like laying eggs with the old hen.

Li Junxi didn't know his fame, but it was ruined.

He frowned slightly, observing the two little fellows with a scrutiny glance—the two little nephews (little nephews) looked so stupid, for fear that most of them lacked a string.

Sure enough, his sister will still rely on him in the future.

He has to study hard, cheer up, and improve himself ... After all, these two sons are unreliable, and he will be a backer to his sister in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Junxi suddenly turned to look at Ruan Mengmeng. He grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's hand and said in a very serious and firm tone: "Sister, don't be afraid, we ignore our father and isolate him.

If the elder brother is doing well, let him scare the bad guys outside. If he dares to change his heart, we will ignore him and isolate him, no matter what the future, Xiao Xi will always be with you.

Xiaoxi will work hard to grow up and will surely become your solid support! "

Li Junxi is not a sweet-speaking child, but at this moment his small face is glowing with resolute light, and his dark and bright eyes are fixed on Ruan Mengmeng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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