Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2313: Ruan Mengmeng is aggressive

Chapter 2313 Ruan Mengmeng's aggressive momentum

"I ... of course I'm telling the truth, don't try to scare me!" Qin Fang knew that she couldn't show cowardice at this moment, she took a breath and pushed Zhou Jiaojiao forward.

"You look at Jiao Jiao. I'm not telling you, isn't it because you deliberately blame you? Can I cut Jiao Jiao's tongue for myself? That's too human!"

The reporter at the scene nodded when he heard Qin Fang's words.

Although Ruan Mengmeng was immortal, Qin Fang was right.

Whoever is a mother can intentionally mutilate her daughter's tongue in order to frame others.

Ruan Mengmeng's lips deepened with a smile: "So? You have said this for a long time and it seems that I haven't said the point yet. This is the third time I asked you, when and where did I cut off her tongue and why How to cut her tongue.

Qin Fang, you deliberately ignored my question three times. Why, are you guilty of deliberately avoiding the topic? "

"Who said that I was guilty, I was just too angry!" Qin Fang's face changed.

She found that the reporters around her eyes seemed to have changed after hearing Ruan Mengmeng's words.

Qin Fang knew that she could no longer avoid it deliberately. If she didn't answer Ruan Mengmeng's question from the front, these people would only doubt her more.

Qin Fang sank his face, revealing his sorrow: "I didn't want to mention it again in the face of Jiao Jiao, but you have to be so aggressive, I can't help it ... What you have done yourself should be better than I know.

You have always been jealous of Jiao Jiao, jealous that she has done better than you since she was a child, and has received more love from grandparents and parents than you. When you were at Ruan's house, you were jealous of her. Later, when she came to the Zhou's house with me, you became even more jealous.

You also said that you would draw Jiao Jiao's face. Later, because Jiao Jiao resisted, you severely cut her tongue. You're right in front of me, grab me, and cut Jiaojiao's tongue in front of me. You ... you are a vicious woman! "

Qin Fang hugged Zhou Jiaojiao tightly, and the weak Zhou Jiaojiao heard her words, her eyes showing a panic expression.

The "acting skills" of the mother and daughter can be regarded as a must.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Ruan Mengmeng, it is full of loopholes.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't even bother to analyze where they were showing the stuffing, but raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Oh, you said that for a long time, you want to say that I am jealous of Zhou Jiaojiao's beauty? Alas ..."

Ruan Mengmeng smiled indifferently.

"Not to mention that Zhou Jiaojiao's face before the facelift was uncompetitive except for being poor. Just say that she has already gone to the H country and the R country after" finishing "... I would like to ask everyone present Is her face better than me? "

While talking, Ruan Mengmeng turned her hair lightly and made a turn, and the bright and charming facial features seemed to be plated with soft light in daylight, attracting people's attention.

Compared with her look, Zhou Jiaojiao, who was shaking in Qin Fang's arms and posing poorly, was really lacking in Chen Keshan.

Qin Fang was desperate: "In addition to you being jealous of our beauty and beauty, you are also jealous of your fiance Gu Gu who later married Jiao Jiao. Yes, you are also jealous that her grades are better than yours, and you have not even taken the college entrance examination Yeah, Jiao Jiao is better than you! "

Hearing Qin Fang's mention of the college entrance examination, Ruan Mengmeng's small face was instantly gloomy.

She glanced at Zhou Jiaojiao coldly through her shining apricot eyes: "I admit that I failed in the college entrance examination, but the college entrance examination is not the end of a person's life. Before the college entrance examination, I was the first grade in the third grade of Zhixue, the college entrance examination Later, I was the best student in the School of Performing Arts, Chik University.

My life didn't end because of a college entrance examination failure, and naturally I wouldn't be jealous of this little thing ... Zhou Jiaojiao, who had a mediocre grade in itself. "

Under the cold eyes of Ruan Mengmeng, Zhou Jiaojiao unconsciously retracted his neck.

I don't know when it started, Zhou Jiaojiao found that she could no longer compete with Ruan Mengmeng's natural demeanor.

Obviously, she was the most valued princess of the Ruan family, and Ruan Mengmeng was just a little pitiful who died and no one hurt.

[Beyond 1200 words: Updated on February 2nd, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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