Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2321: My Favorite Girl is online

Chapter 2321: Favorite Sister Demon is Online

The reporters and viewers who had doubts about Qin Fang's words just now are a little confused.

Qin Fang's words were well-founded, and even the biological parents of Zhan Mo did not recognize him, but Zhan Mo did not refute.

Maybe the truth is really what Qin Fang said.

Everything is too cold to defend Ruan Mengmeng, which has caused such a **** result.

"That's what you want to say ..."

For a long time, when everyone at the scene thought that Zhan Mo would not have any explanation to respond, the man's deep and cold voice suddenly sounded.

Qin Fang: "Yes, yes ... even if you don't admit it, I won't forget what you did."

Qin Fang didn't know what Zhan Mo was going to say, as Lin Lin looked at him.

Zhan Mo's eyes sank, but her thin lips lightened: "You remember the best, I will ask you one last time, is this woman's tongue cut out, or me?"

Qin Fang didn't want to think: "Of course it was you, I said that ... In the beginning, it was to hide the ugliness of President Zhan Kai and Mr. Zhan Yang, so I did not confess you.

Although it was not Ruan Mengmeng himself, this matter could not be separated from her. Just like Li Junyu killed her for her, you were all confused by this woman. "

Qin Fang intentionally said so.

She knew that Zhou Zhengji was helping Zhan Yang to clean up Ruan Mengmeng, and ruining Ruan Mengmeng's reputation would not only make her lose the position of heir to the warring family.

It is also related to the Duke of Redington who returned suddenly.

Zhan Mo raised his eyebrows unwillingly: "So, did I take care of myself and cut off Zhou Jiaojiao's tongue?"

When the man spoke, he looked at Qin Fang and the woman in her arms empty and cold, as if looking at the dead.

Zhou Jiaojiao winced.

Qin Fang did not dare to oppose Zhan Mo's gaze, and could only stagger his eyes and answer: "Of course not, you are such a high-handed arrogant man. Naturally, someone will do this for you."

There is a radian in the corner of Zhan Mo's lips. This is the first time he has smiled at anyone except Ruan Mengmeng since he arrived today.

Although, this is just a sneer.

"You're right, people like you will only dirty my hands."

"You ..." Qin Fang's pupils shrank, only to feel humiliated.

As everyone knows, the audience watching in the live broadcast room has long been captivated by the man's arrogance and arrogance.

There is a saying how to say-men are not bad women do not love.

When they saw Zhan Mo defending his sister and showing such a noble and indifferent expression, the audience actually couldn't help crying out.

Just think that such a man, even if he does bad things, can make people fascinated.

Zhan Mo would not care about Qin Fang's experience at all, and of course he would not care whether Qin Fang would feel insulted.

He just summed it up in a cold tone: "You have spent so many lips and tongues, that is to say, I sent Zhou Jiaojiao's tongue off. I am the culprit, and Mengmeng is the person who indirectly caused this dispute, One of the creators. We should be responsible for it, aren't we? "

"Yes, yes ... almost like that."

Qin Fang had no confidence. Although things seemed to be summed up by Zhan Mo, she had a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

It was as if he were a prey deep in the jungle, approaching the traps set by the hunters little by little.

Zhan Mo heard Qin Fang's affirmative answer, but the sneer on his lips increased.

He casually took out his phone and tapped the screen to do something.

Later, Zhan Mo turned back and said to all the cameras: "Now, you can go to S country's Weibo and follow the latest video posted by a verified account called" Pet Girl Mad Demon Online ".

Who really cut off Zhou Jiaojiao's tongue? After watching the video, the answer will be revealed. "

[The update is completed on February 4th, and the babies are happy together on New Year's Eve ~ We will see you next year ~ Hee hee ...]

This paragraph is a bit longer because Zhou Zhengji and they are actually with Zhan Yang. Killing them is equivalent to destroying Zhan Yang's greatest help, and it will also help the tyrant. Be patient, maybe because of writing It ’s more meticulous, so 4000 words feels that the dialogue has more content and less content. You can save it after reading it and it will be very cool. Because you do n’t describe the character ’s psychology and expression, walking directly in the dialogue will have very little sense of substitution. The style of painting has always been ~ cannot be changed.

Okay, the last thing is, the babies are happy on New Year's Eve, what is it ~ I will go to Q group around 20:30 tonight, and I will give you a red envelope at that time, will I?

(End of this chapter)

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