Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2323: Mother and daughter centrifugation

Chapter 2323 Mother and Daughter Centrifugal

Qin Fang never dreamed that things would develop to such a degree.

Before coming to the Ruan's mansion, she fantasized that she could use the farce of Mrs. Ruan and Ruan Xueqin to confuse Ruan Mengmeng's international film status.

Pull Ruan Mengmeng down the altar, let her get stigma.

In this way, not only can he take revenge, but he can also help his master, and make the Duke of Redington even more hate Ruan Mengmeng.

Even if you are lucky, you will be better able to kill President Zhan Kai and bring his death to Ruan Mengmeng.

Qin Fang originally thought that everything was in his grasp-but did not expect that Zhan Mo actually held such a video.

What was even more unexpected to her was the picture that appeared in this video.

Why ... why it appears in the video is Zhou Jiaojiao, who is dying in the basement.

In the same video, who appeared together, in addition to Jiao Jiao, there is another familiar figure.

That figure is Qin Fang's husband, Zhou Jiaojiao's biological father-Zhou Zhengji!

Qin Fang still remembers that Zhou Jiaojiao was ordered to be imprisoned by Zhan Mo for a month because he colluded with the housekeeper in Zhan Mo's villa and wanted to starve Ruan Mengmeng and the child in her stomach.

Later, because Jiao Jiao couldn't bear the tone, she exposed the fact that Ruan Mengmeng was pregnant in public, so she annoyed Zhan Mo and was taken by his people and ordered to cut off her tongue.

One month later, when Zhou Jiaojiao was carried back to Zhou's house with a dying breath, Qin Fang saw that she was faint, unconscious, and had a thin daughter who had almost a skeleton and had no tongue.

She always thought it was done indifferently.

She always thought it was Zhan Mo ordered!

But she didn't know that the truth of the matter was exactly as it was in the video ... When Jiao Jiao was eaten by the war and was indifferent, she only used her injection to hang her life.

When she was fragile, weak, and fell into a collapsed coma, the person who cut off his tongue by himself was actually Zhou Zhengji!

The video captured everything that followed.

Zhou Zhengji's cruel choice without hesitation

Everyone saw that Zhou Jiaojiao, who had fallen into a coma and lost consciousness, had her tongue cut off by Zhou Zhengji himself ...

"How can this be? Impossible!" Qin Fang reacted suddenly from the shock. She grabbed Zhou Jiaojiao's hand to calm her down.

But Zhou Jiaojiao couldn't calm down at all, she shook Qin Fang frantically, and wanted to ask for an answer and to be fair.

"Jiaojiao, don't get excited, let your mother ask!"

Qin Fang felt that her head was almost shaken from her neck. Zhou Jiaojiao was originally weak, but at this moment her strength was amazing.

She shook Qin Fang frantically and only wanted an answer.

In front of the camera, Qin Fang's delicate makeup has long been blurred.

The elegant and noble hair that had been set up has been slackened in the shaking, and looks very embarrassed.

At this time, Zhou Jiaojiao had completely lost her mind and wanted only one statement.

She couldn't understand why her father had to cut off his tongue himself.

I don't understand why my father did all this, and my mother would hide the truth for him and never tell herself.

She felt deeply betrayed.

Complete renegade.

Zhou Jiaojiao and Qin Fang are the same kind of people, both of whom are selfish and seek protection first.

So at this moment, her first suspect was Qin Fang.

Zhou Jiaojiao didn't believe that Qin Fang hadn't known this before. She believed that Qin Fang would have known the truth long ago, but she intentionally concealed it.

(End of this chapter)

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