Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2327: Ruan Mengmeng

Chapter 2327: Ruan Mengmeng

Qin Fang couldn't argue: "No, no ... I really don't know, this is not the case ..."

Even though he was accustomed to the storm, Qin Fang did not experience such a betrayal.

Even with her mouth full, she couldn't tell at this moment.

Suddenly, in the eyes of many disdain, contempt, and disgust, she suddenly met a pair of cold and scornful apricot eyes.

Ruan Mengmeng, she dared to look at herself with this look!

Obviously everything is guided by Ruan Mengmeng, this little bitch, why does she look at herself like that!

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng's cold contempt suddenly disappeared.

The corners of her cold lips slowly rose up, and those cold apricot eyes suddenly smiled at Qin Fang.

Yes, yes, laugh.

It was even more scornful and contemptuous laughter.

It's full of ridicule, for fun.

Ruan Mengmeng!

How dare she laugh at herself!

At this moment, Qin Fang was furious and suddenly seemed to understand something suddenly.

She thought that she was calculating Ruan Mengmeng, and she always thought that she was planning and holding everything in her hands.

In fact, all of this is actually under Ruan Mengmeng's control.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't panic from beginning to end. Even if she brought in Ruan Ms. Ruan and Ruan Xueqin to discredit in front of the reporter, Ruan Mengmeng didn't show any timidity.

Ruan Mengmeng ... This little **** is not afraid of all that she arranged.

Instead, because of her calculations and layout, she gave Ruan Mengmeng a chance to give her a set!

Qin Fang's mind was selfish and selfish, and only after seeing Ruan Mengmeng showed a smile, they appeared in a series.

She used Ruan Mengmeng to think about Ruan Mengmeng with her sinister thinking. The more she guessed, the more sure she was framed by Ruan Mengmeng's design!

Regardless of the image and reason, Qin Fang only felt that all the efforts he had made to climb to the present day had disappeared in Ruan Mengmeng's unabashed ridicule.

All that Qin Fang struggled for half her life was destroyed by such a little bitch!

Qin Fang couldn't swallow this breath, she couldn't swallow!

Suddenly Qin Fang's face changed, she pushed the guard in front of her at the next moment, and rushed to Ruan Mengmeng regardless.

"Ruan Mengmeng ... you bitch, I know that everything is arranged by you ... you want to hurt me, you want to see me lose everything ... you **** is as cheap as your mother, I fight with you It's up! "

Qin Fang suddenly rushed out of the encirclement, rushing towards Ruan Mengmen with red eyes.

Qin Fang suddenly became angry, and the others had no time to stop.

Seeing that Qin Fang was about to rush to Ruan Mengmeng, a figure suddenly flashed from the side.

"Qin Fang, I forbid you to hurt Mengmeng!"

The sudden sound came from a slightly embarrassing figure, a middle-aged man who was plain and even humble.

He didn't know how long he hid behind the crowd, or how he rushed out in the first place.

In short, when Qin Fang rushed to Ruan Mengmeng regardless of this, the middle-aged man who suddenly flashed out from behind the crowd blocked Qin Fang for the first time.

Qin Fang sprinted very fast, her eyes drowned with hatred, with red bloodshots of anger.

She didn't even think about stopping, and never even looked back, so she slammed into the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

"Well ..." The middle-aged man snorted suddenly, and then pushed Qin Fang out forcefully before everyone responded.

(End of this chapter)

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